VixT – turns your texts into a video mashup! It's better than GIF.
Express yourself with short videos in endless combination simply by texting. Video? Text? VixT! into a video mashup! When you add the VixT app to Slack, your team can use a simple slash command to instantly load a videomashup in a channel or direct message. Call this bot by typing @vixtbot and a query in the text input field in any chat.
应用 | Vixt
Trying to implement nuxt's features via vite plugin. 应用 入口文件 . 使用 vixt 后 index.html 和 main.ts 将由vixt接管处理,可以在app选项中配置:
vixt 的核心配置 | Vixt
vixt 的核心配置 rootDir . 类型:string 默认值:process.cwd() 项目根目录. buildDir . 类型:string 默认值:'<rootDir>/.vixt' Vixt 的构建目录,里面包含了 layers, types 等子目录和 index.html, main.ts, tsconfig.json 等文件. buildTypesDir . 类型:string 默认值:'<buildDir>/types' Vixt 的类型 …
VixT - Video mashup from texT | Slack Marketplace
This bot on is using either your own VixT videos (if you already have the vixt mobile application and started to build your private video-library) or helping you out with clips from the crowd-sourced global video library.
GitHub - SoulLyoko/vixt: Trying to implement nuxt's features via …
Vixt是一个Vite插件,与Nuxt一样以开发者体验为核心,名字取自Vite的前两个字母和Nuxt的后两个字母。 为什么不用Nuxt? Nuxt具备SSR和全栈开发的能力,如果你的项目需要这些,Nuxt是个不错的选择。
VixT - Video mashup from texT 4+ - App Store
Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots and learn more about VixT - Video mashup from texT. Download VixT - Video mashup from texT and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
VixT - LinkedIn
It's better than GIF. | VixT – turns your texts into a video mashup! It's better than GIF. Best friend of the creative content marketer. iOS / Android + chatbots
vite/vue 的配置 | Vixt
baseURL . 类型:string 默认值:/ 应用的基础路径. rootId . 类型:string 默认值:app 应用的根元素id. rootTag . 类型:string 默认值:div 应用的根元素标签
Vixt - soullyoko.github.io
VixT - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
VixT is designed to automatically convert texts into visual montages or mashups. VixT is a free mobile app which converts your text into a video mashup. You can share it download it or use it for
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