Viz.ai, the proven AI-powered care coordination platform
Viz.ai is the leading AI care coordination platform for disease detection and workflow optimization. Trusted by 1,400 hospitals. Viz.ai closes the gaps between patients, clinicians, and life-saving …
A new vision for healthcare with AI | About Viz.ai
Viz.ai uses artificial intelligence to accelerate care coordination, reducing systemic delays that stand between patients and life-saving treatments. It’s an innovative way of using technology …
Viz™ Radiology | AI-Powered Care Coordination
2024年11月27日 · Analyze imaging, flag potential indications and prioritize workflows using Viz Radiology AI-powered solutions tailored for radiologists.
Viz™ Neuro | AI-Powered Neurovascular Care Coordination
2023年6月15日 · Deliver neurovascular care with the AI-powered solutions of Viz Neuro. Coordinate care for large vessel occlusion, CT perfusion, and more.
Viz™ LVO | AI-Powered Neurovascular Care Coordination
Deliver neurovascular care with the AI-powered solutions of Viz Neuro. The LVO algorithm auto-detects suspected large vessel occlusions.
Indications for use | Viz.ai
Read more about the indications for use of Viz’s AI-powered care coordination solutions: LVO, Viz ICH, CTP, ANEURYSM, SDH, and RV/LV.
Viz.ai One & Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare One Pager
Experience the power of AI. See for yourself how you can harness the power of AI to accelerate patient access to care through AI-powered care coordination.
Build a career with Viz.ai
Viz.ai uses artificial intelligence to accelerate care coordination, reducing the time between diagnosis and treatment for patients with life-threatening conditions such as stroke, pulmonary …
Viz.ai to Collaborate with Guardant Health to Improve Lung Cancer ...
2025年1月14日 · Viz.ai, a leader in AI-powered disease detection, has announced a proposed collaboration with Guardant Health to address challenges in lung cancer care. The partnership …
Viz.ai Expands into Lung Disease to Accelerate Diagnosis and Care …
2024年10月18日 · New natural language processing (NLP) capabilities, on top of imaging AI, will extend Viz.ai’s pulmonary solutions by mining clinical insights from the electronic health record …