Theatre Studies and Drama - Victoria Junior College
VJC is the pioneer in Theatre Studies and Drama (TSD)! Engage in both theory and practice. Explore and express ideas through dramatic forms and theatre conventions. Gain insights of theatre and drama in various historical and cultural settings.
Theatre Studies & Drama (TSD) * No prior knowledge is necessary. A selection test will be conducted for students keen to offer TSD. China Studies in English (CSE) * No prior knowledge is necessary. A selection test will be conducted for students keen to offer CSE.
Courses in TSD | Drama Elective Programme (DEP) - Educations.com
Theatre Studies and Drama (TSD) is a demanding yet rewarding A-Level subject aimed at students with a genuine interest in Theatre and Drama. Students need to conduct their own research and select material for monologues, duologues, and group performances.
新加坡维多利亚初级学院简介 - 百家号
2020年1月13日 · VJC提供戏剧研究及戏剧(TSD)课程供喜欢戏剧的学生选择,该课程为A水准课程,要求学生有开放的思想,愿意反思和坚持不懈,并有独立思考的能力。 另外,学生还需要具有良好的英语口语和书面表达水平,并能够以个人和协作团队主动性地进行工作。 TSD课程内容: Paper 1- World Theatre and Drama 世界戏剧与戏剧 (40%) Paper 2 – Critical Commentary 批判性评论 (15%) Paper 3 – Practical 实用 (45%) 人文学科课程(HEP) VJC开设的人文学科课 …
全面解读新加坡维多利亚初级学院 - 新加坡留学网 | 专注新加坡留 …
2020年1月22日 · VJC提供戏剧研究及戏剧 (TSD)课程供喜欢戏剧的学生选择,该课程为A水准课程,要求学生有开放的思想,愿意反思和坚持不懈,并有独立思考的能力。 另外,学生还需要具有良好的英语口语和书面表达水平,并能够以个人和协作团队主动性地进行工作。 TSD课程内容: Paper 1- World Theatre and Drama. 世界戏剧与戏剧 (40%) Paper 2 – Critical Commentary. 批判性评论 (15%) Paper 3 – Practical. 实用 (45%) 人文学科课程 (HEP) VJC开设的人文学科课程 …
新加坡維多利亞初級學院簡介 | 獅城新聞 | 新加坡新聞
vjc提供戲劇研究及戲劇(tsd)課程供喜歡戲劇的學生選擇,該課程為a水準課程,要求學生有開放的思想,願意反思和堅持不懈,並有獨立思考的能力。 另外,學生還需要具有良好的英語口語和書面表達水平,並能夠以個人和協作團隊主動性地進行工作。
VJC experience : r/SGExams - Reddit
2022年8月15日 · I am currently a J1 student at VJC who is taking Theatre Studies and Drama (TSD). It's not a common subject, but certaintly and interesting one. There is only one class and it's a mix between both Arts and Science stream students.
[JC] theatre studies and drama (TSD) : r/SGExams - Reddit
2021年11月30日 · [JC] theatre studies and drama (TSD) A Levels i'm a sec 4 currently waiting for results after Os. anyone has any advice and info about this subject in JC? from research, only three JCs in singapore offer this subject: VJC, ACJC and TMJC. i'm aware this is a pretty "one-of-a-kind" subject, so i'm posting this just to try my luck for answers.
新加坡维多利亚初级学院详细解读 - 学校新闻 - 新加坡教育网- 新 …
vjc的a水准课程包含知识能力、语言能力、科学与数学、人文与艺术等四大类的近20个科目。 vjc拥有出色的学术成绩。在2021年a水准考试中,vjc中位分达到了85分,80分以上占比50%,位居新加坡17所初级学院的第四位。
acjc vs vjc : r/SGExams - Reddit
2022年9月12日 · solid. tsd is a subject which tsd students are passionate about, and our teachers really allow us to hone our talents and make sure that whatever we do is completed 100%. its honestly so much fun and a part of all of our #whyvj , and vjtsd has been one of the strongest tsd depts in sg for q awhile alr, but take note that there is an audition to ...