VL06P,VL06C and VL06G - SAP Community
2016年2月29日 · The following 3 transactions- VL06P,VL06C and VL06G are used in their order for Post Goods Issue and than a Delivery Note or Invoice is generated. In recent months, there has been an increase in sales orders and consignment orders and my work load is overwhelming.
VL06P SAP TCode - List of Outbound Dlvs for Picking - SE80
One such TCode is VL06P, which provides access to List of Outbound Dlvs for Picking / Outbound Deliveries for Picking SAP screen functionality within R/3 SAP (Or S/4HANA) systems, depending on your version and release level.
SAP Transaction VL06P: A Comprehensive Guide for SAP Users
SAP Transaction VL06P (Outbound Delivery Monitor) is a key transaction code used in SAP MM to monitor and manage outbound deliveries. It allows users to view and analyze the status of outbound deliveries, as well as perform various actions to ensure smooth delivery processes.
Solved: VL06P - SAP Community
2008年11月27日 · In VL06P in the picking data you have the option of picking with or without WM or Both. If you ensure that both is selected it should work. However if you enter a Wareouse number it will only find deliveries foi that Warehouse so you should look by date and leave the warehouse blank. This should work. I hope that this helps. Frenchy
SAP WM 高阶之2-Step Picking for Outbound Delivery - 阿里云开 …
2022年4月22日 · 本文就是展示如何通过SAP WM模块里的2-step Picking功能为这2张OBD做拣配。 1, 执行事务代码VL06P为交货单创建Group。 系统提示:Group 316 with reference to WM saved. 如上图。 2, 执行事务代码LX39为group做Pick & Allocation 两个步骤。 按照Group description,我们找到了Group number是12。 其真实的group号码是12,而非系统提示的316! 笔者在测试过程中反复被提示说group number 3##不存在。 郁闷了很久! 第一步,为pick创 …
SAP WM 高阶之2-Step Picking Outbound Delivery - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
本文就是展示如何通过SAP WM模块里的2-step Picking功能为这2张OBD做拣配。 1, 执行事务代码VL06P为交货单创建Group。 系统提示:Group 316 with reference to WM saved. 如上图。 2, 执行事务代码LX39为group做Pick & Allocation 两个步骤。 按照Group description,我们找到了Group number是12。 其真实的group号码是12,而非系统提示的316! 笔者在测试过程中反复被提示说group number 3##不存在。 郁闷了很久! 第一步,为pick创建TO。 TO 42 被成功创建。 注 …
SAP WM 执行VL06P为交货单创建组,报错-TO for multiple …
2022年3月3日 · 本文介绍了在SAPS4/HANA1909系统中遇到的错误'TOformultipledeliveriesonlywithdelayeddeliveryupdate'。当尝试使用VL06P事务代码为销售订单的多个出货单创建组时,系统报错。解决方法是修改后台配置,将仓库号的DelayedUpdate字段设置为1。完成配置更改后,成功创建了交货单组。
SAP执行VL06P为交货单创建组,报错-TO for multiple deliveries only
2022年3月3日 · 有三张OBD (outbound delivery):80000893/894/895。 2, 执行事务代码VL06P,为其OBD创建Group。 系统报错:TO for multiple deliveries only with delayed delivery update. 3,为了解决这个报错,需要修改后台配置信息。 将NM1仓库号的Delayed Update字段设置为1,如上图。 保存。 4, 重新执行VL06P为交货单创建Group number。 Group 306 with reference to WM saved. 注:本文基于SAP S4/HANA 1909。 写于2022-3-3.
Info on VL06 - SAP Community
2008年3月11日 · VL06 transaction lists the deliveries which are due for. Checking, Distribution, Confiramtion, Loading, Goods Issue and Transportation Planning. Could you please explain what each of these signify and what exactly when you delivery through each of these phases. What settings or fields are updated. all apt answers are rewarded.... Regards, Pavan P.
SAP WM 执行VL06P为交货单创建组,报错-TO for ... - 51CTO博客
2022年3月7日 · SAP WM 执行VL06P为交货单创建组,报错-TO for multiple deliveries only with delayed delivery update-1, 如下销售订单728, 有三张OBD(outbound delivery):80000893/894/895。 2, 执行事务代码VL06P,为其OBD创建Group。 输入了Description, 勾选‘TO for mult.Del’, 回车,