What is Estill Voice Training? - The Modern Vocalist World
Breaks the voice down into it's components or Figures and allows each student to feel, hear and see how each movement directly effects voice quality. Some of the Figures explored are: True Vocal Folds, False Vocal Folds, Velum, Tongue, Thyroid Cartilage, Aryepiglottic Sphincter and Head, Neck and Torso Anchoring.
Vocal Health - The Modern Vocalist World
2024年7月27日 · Discussions regarding the health & care of your voice. Review my singing. Brutal honesty is welcomed. Use me as your verbal punching bag.
OmaGesicht13 - The Modern Vocalist World
2020年1月14日 · The recent visitors block is disabled and is not being shown to other users.
Vocal "Warm-Ups" and Their Application in Singing Lessons
Vocal "Warm-Ups" and Their Application in Singing Lessons
Reflux, or something else? - General Discussions - The Modern …
2017年5月17日 · Hi, I have always, as long as I have defined my self as a singer, experienced periods of bad vocal health. Over time I have learned better technique and learned to sing smart and kind of use damage control paths through songs on rough days but I find it really hard to just surrender to not knowin...
"voice of the mind" is a must-read
2011年5月21日 · folks, if you're like me and love to read about vocal technique, i simply cannot recommend this book enough. it's a tough read at times, and actually i'm glad it was redundant at times but it really helps you understand how the voice is meant to work from an anatomical and physio/psychological pe...
Introducing Nicholas Stilborg! TVS STUDENT - SOUNDS KILLER!
2013年4月12日 · And there was this one, where you could see this guy, Stillborg, training, doing some sirens and practising vocal twang. Amazing progress, really. I am really impressed by these A4's. For me this is currently one, if not the hadest note to sing.
How to Do Twang Exactly? - General Discussions - The Modern …
2011年7月26日 · Hi All, New to singing but not young, LOL! So my interest is in the vocal sounds of Classic Rock for the most part. Twang seems to be at the center of it. However I can't find a clear explanation of how to actually do it. Here's an example of what I mean by clear, (as opposed to so technical I do...
Is this twang? - Page 2 - General Discussions - The Modern …
2012年5月2日 · Or sign in with one of these services. Sign in with Facebook. Sign in with Twitter
GO HERE >>> GENERAL DISCUSSIONS - The Modern Vocalist World
2024年8月6日 · 3 years self-taught. Recently started recording music. Feedback? Voice Type? Ty.