5471-061 - VOLA
In choosing VOLA you become part of the enduring heritage of iconic Danish design and exceptional craftsmanship. Need further help? If you have any queries we're here to help.
Vola 5471S-061 Thermostatic mixer - Tattahome
Vola 5471-061 Thermostatic mixer. 5471-061. $5,564.80 Vola 5471-061 Thermostatic mixer ¾" thermostatic mixer.5471-061UP = Miscelatore termostatico 5400FV, 200M. 5471-061AP = Maniglia NR51, maniglia NR52, maniglia NR64G, doccetta e supporto per doccetta con valvola di non ritorno 070, flessibile 1500 mm, soffione a parete 060, 3 pz. ...
Vola 5471-061 Thermostatic Shower Set | QualityBath.com
Find, Shop for and Buy Vola 5471-061 Thermostatic Shower Set at QualityBath.com for $8,377.50 with free shipping!
5471 | VOLA
In choosing VOLA you become part of the enduring heritage of iconic Danish design and exceptional craftsmanship. Need further help? If you have any queries we're here to help.
5471R - VOLA
In choosing VOLA you become part of the enduring heritage of iconic Danish design and exceptional craftsmanship. Need further help? If you have any queries we're here to help.
5471-061 - VOLA
VOLA Brausethermostat-Mischkombination, umschaltbar von Hand- auf Regenbrause für Wandmontage, für Unterputzmontage, bestehend aus: 5471-061 UP = Unterputzthermostat 5400F mit Umschalter für zwei Zwecke mit einer fest montierten
5471-061A | VOLA
De viste produkter sælges i: USA. Skift region. ¾" termostatblander med hoved - og håndbruser. 5471-061AUP = ¾" termostatblander 5400FV, løs afgangsmuffe 200M.
5471-061A | VOLA
In choosing VOLA you become part of the enduring heritage of iconic Danish design and exceptional craftsmanship. Need further help? If you have any queries we're here to help.
5471 | VOLA
5471 Inbouwthermostaatkraan met 2-weg omstel, naar handdouche met houder en 1x vrije uitgang. 5471UP = Inbouwthermostaat 5400FV. 5471AP = Bedieningsknop NR51, thermostaatknop NR52, omstelknop NR64G, handdouche en houder 070, …
5471S-061 by VOLA | STYLEPARK
For the family-run firm Vola, tradition and modern design go hand in hand: The minimalist bathroom fittings by Arne Jacobsen have superbly managed the seamless transition from …