Voglibose | C10H21NO7 | CID 444020 - PubChem
Voglibose is an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor used for lowering post-prandial blood glucose levels in people with diabetes mellitus. It is made in India by Ranbaxy Labs and sold under the trade name Volix. Voglibose is a valiolamine derivative and inhibitor of alpha-glucosidase with antihyperglycemic activity.
Voglibose_药物分子靶点数据库 - 药智数据
Voglibose (INN and USAN) is an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor used for lowering post-prandial blood glucose levels in people with diabetes mellitus. It is made in India by Ranbaxy Labs and sold under the trade name Volix. [Wikipedia] For the treatment of diabetes.
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VOLIX Group is dedicated to advancing Indonesia's creative culture by empowering creators across industries like Music, FnB, Fashion, Sports, Film, Tech, etc. Through financial investment, media support, and a vast network of clients, we foster growth and collaboration.
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We automate analyzes and identify trends through artificial intelligence and create dashboards and reports in the most diverse BI tools. Our experience combined with our technical knowledge allows our customers to focus on essential information, made available in …
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サポーター、筋力トレーニング、高機能、高品質トレーニングギアのVOLIX(ヴォリックス) – volix
トレーニーが開発したVOLIX(ヴォリックス)が手掛けるトレーニングギア。 膝・腰・手首、足首身体の各部を保護する種類豊富なアイテム。 好評のトレーニング用品、ガチトレーニーギアの製造販売。
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Volix - The hub of entertainment, information, and ideas for …
Volix - The hub of entertainment, information, and ideas for Indonesia’s rising generation.