Volksfront - Stormfront
2007年4月20日 · Volksfront believes that the power of positive change rests with our folk and the only means of bettering the position of our people is through self-betterment and cooperative growth. We reject mass reaction and red front politics and have a philosophy and political view based on a form of tribal democracy such as was found in Europe over 1000 ...
How do I join Volksfront? - Page 2 - Stormfront
2016年9月28日 · I just watched the gangland episode on JewTube about Volksfront. Boy, I really wish our people avoided media publicity at all costs sometimes.
Volksfront. - Stormfront
2010年1月30日 · Just a Neo-Nazi gang that was shown on history channel. part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvmsp...eature=related part 2 http://www.youtube.com/wat
Volksfront: ISD Memorial gathering - Stormfront
2011年8月25日 · Volksfront is holding a gathering in memorial to Ian Stuart Donaldson on the 24th of September in Sydney. The Event will be held on VF private property To those who don't know us, you'll need a reference from someone who does. Or, you will have to attend a meet and greet. [email protected]
Gangland volksfront - Page 5 - Stormfront
2009年12月23日 · Well, it was SUPPOSED to be all about Volksfront. But I'd say about 90% of the footage they showed had nothing to do w/ VF. They showed pictures and video reel of completely different groups, but made no effort to say WHO these people were, so the average viewer would just assume it was VF.
Erik Banks Memorial - Stormfront
2001年10月18日 · Portland, Oregon. December 8th, Volksfront and area activists will be hosting the first Erik Banks Memorial in Portland. The event will include a Nationalist military-style ceremony, a memorial service, a biography written by Ed, of Bound For Glory, a close friend of Erik's, and Tom Metzger of W.A.R. will speak at the memorial.
Volksfront dissolved... - Stormfront
2012年10月10日 · Volksfront in the United States announced their dissolution in August 2012 via their website www.volksfrontinternational.com (site no longer valid).
How do I join Volksfront? - Stormfront
2016年9月26日 · Re: How do I join Volksfront? i know, weird thought but maybe if every stray thought that came to a physically attractive female nationalist's mind weren't confused there wouldn't be so much issue right now for men,.
2010年8月3日 · volksfront international forum I sent a message to the admin (via forum) about 3 months back and never got a reply so wonder if anyone has a direct e-mail PS.I'm locked out of the 'forum' for some reason and can't seem to get back on as the 'forum' says I a 'spammer'
Volksfront Australia and Official Supporters Club AUS/NZ
2010年4月12日 · 6) Volksfront Australia understands the absolute importance of working with domestic organistations who share our values and ideals. Volksfront Australia is committed to helping pro- white nationalist political parties in Australia.