pRFP - Addgene
Plasmid pRFP from Dr. Ron Weiss's lab contains the insert LacI, HcRed and is published in Nature. 2005 Apr 28. 434(7037):1130-4. This plasmid is available through Addgene.
PRFP 载体图谱和序列 - 纽普生物
提供 prfp 载体/质粒图谱,全长序列,抗性,大小和元件信息。
pRFP-C-RS Sequence and Map - SnapGene
prfp-c-rs HuSH-29 retroviral vector with chloramphenicol and puromycin resistance markers and a TurboRFP gene, for expressing an shRNA from the U6 promoter. Sequence Author : OriGene
Short Hairpin (shRNA) Cloning Vectors - OriGene
在pRFP-CB-shLenti质粒载体的5’LTR 和3’LTR之间包含有三个主要的功能元件:U6启动子控制的shRNA表达框架,SV40启动子控制的杀稻瘟菌素抗性基因以及CMV启动子控制的tRFP基因。
TR30014 – pRFP-C-RS shRNA Vector - OriGene
The HuSH pRFP-C-RS plasmid vector was created with an integrated turboRFP element to readily verify transfection efficiency. It incorporates both a chloramphenicol and puromycin …
pRFP Sequences (2) - Addgene
Sequence provided by depositing laboratory may be theoretical/predicted or based on Sanger/NGS sequencing results. Discrepancies between sequencing results obtained by …
Patient-reported frailty phenotype (PRFP) vs. International
We aimed to compare the patient-reported frailty phenotype (PRFP) and a modified version of the International Myeloma Working Group frailty index (IMWG FI) in terms of their strengths, …
pRFP-intron-RLuc - Biovector质粒载体菌种细胞蛋白抗体基因保藏 …
通过Google搜索"Biovector+您所需资源名称",您一定能找到所需的资源和技术服务。 资源涵盖克隆载体、真核表达载体、原核表达载体、病毒载体、信号通路报告载体、亚细胞定位载体、荧光 …
shRNA (HuSH-29) FAQs - OriGene
The pRFP-C-RS plasmid contains tRFP driven by a CMV promoter. Both plasmids provide an easy way to identify cells that have been transfected. The pGFP-V-RS vector is kanamycin …
患者报告的虚弱表型 (PRFP) 与国际骨髓瘤工作组虚弱指数 (IMWG …
使用 prfp 和 imwg fi 代理将患者分为健康、中等健康/虚弱前或虚弱。 使用加权科恩卡帕 (Cohen's kappa) 评估两种患者虚弱分类方法之间的一致性。 生成列联表和维恩图来分析不同严重程度组 …