钒氧酞菁 (VOPc)与钒酞菁 (VPc)分子的扫描隧道显微镜图像模拟
利用第一性原理方法模拟了自由钒氧酞菁(VOPc)和钒酞菁(VPc)分子的扫描隧道显微镜(STM)图像,与实验观察结果相当符合.理论STM图像都显示出亚分子内结构,外围呈四叶状.其主要差异表现在VOPc分子中心处的钒氧离子在STM图像中为一空洞,而在VPc分子的STM图像中钒离子为 ...
Atomic-scale intermolecular interaction of hydrogen with a single VOPc ...
In this work, we have investigated the intermolecular interaction between H 2 and individual vanadyl phthalocyanine (VOPc) molecules on Au (111) substrates by using STM and non-contact atomic force microscopy (NC-AFM).
Substrate Reconstruction Mediated Unidirectionally Aligned Molecular ...
We report the fabrication of unidirectionally aligned molecular dipole dot arrays of vanadyl phthalocyanine (VOPc) on Au(111). Low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (LT-STM) studies reveal ...
Understanding domain symmetry in vanadium oxide …
2014年10月1日 · Here we characterize the vanadium oxide phthalocyanine (VOPc)/Au (111) surface using a combination of low energy electron diffraction (LEED) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), obtaining complex diffraction patterns which can be understood using two dimensional fast Fourier transform (2D-FFT) analysis of STM images.
【AFM+STM-LE】超经典:研究单分子化学反应引起的光发射ACS …
作者使用AFM和STM-LE结合的方法研究了通过超薄NaCl层与Ag(111)基底分离的氧钒基酞菁(VOPc)分子。 通过光学表征和化学反应研究分子的激子发射强度变化的可能性,展示了单分子的结构解析和吸附几何结构测定。
Molecular Ordering and Dipole Alignment of Vanadyl …
We present an in situ low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (LT-STM) study to elucidate the effects of interfacial interactions on the molecular ordering and dipole alignment of dipolar vanadyl phthalocyanine (VOPc) monolayer on metal surfaces, including Cu(111), Ag(111), Au(111), and graphite. The adsorption of VOPc on the relatively ...
Ag 2 Sb合金单层上多层酞菁氧钒分子的组装 - 物理学报
利用低温扫描隧道显微镜(STM)研究了各种覆盖度下酞菁氧钒(VOPc)分子在Ag 2 Sb/Ag (111)上的吸附行为和组装结构. 不同于Ag (111)表面, 当分子覆盖度在一个单层之内, 吸附的VOPc分子均组装为有序的薄膜, 呈现出规则排列的空隙和正方形单胞.
A sequence of STM images showing the controlled switching of VOPc …
We report a spatially resolved scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) investigation of reversibly switchable dipolar vanadyl phthalocyanine (VOPc) on graphite by using low temperature scanning...
在铁酞菁(FePc)单层上有序生长钒氧酞菁(VOPc) † ,Physical …
The Structure of VOPc on Cu(111): Does V═O Point Up, or Down, …
2018年10月12日 · The local structure of the nonplanar phthalocyanine, vanadyl phthalocyanine (VOPc), adsorbed on Cu(111) at a coverage of approximately one-half of a saturated molecular layer, has been investigated by a combination of normal-incidence X-ray standing waves (NIXSW), scanned-energy mode photoelectron diffraction (PhD), and density-functional ...