vorpX – VR 3D-Driver for Meta Quest, Valve Index and more PCVR …
vorpX – VR 3D-Driver for Meta Quest, Valve Index and more PCVR headsets – Play PC Games on your Meta Quest, SteamVR or Windows Mixed Reality headset. vorpX supports more than 250 DirectX 9-12 games (and some OpenGL titles) in Stereo-3D, many more work without S3D.
GitHub - SutekhVRC/VOR: A router application for VRChat OSC, …
Note that VOR is meant to be used to route OSC traffic that is RECEIVED from VRChat. All OSC apps can send to VRC on their own, but VRChat can only send to one port. Download the latest MSI and run it. vor.exe will be installed to C:\Program Files\vor\bin\vor.exe. You can also search for it by pressing the windows key and searching "VOR".
Cyberpunk VR Download – vorpX – VR 3D-Driver for Meta …
2022年11月10日 · VR – at least for gaming – back in the day was real life cyberpunk if you want. What better way to celebrate 10 years of vorpX development than a little bit of Cyberpunk in VR. Enjoy our free Cyberpunk VR mod!
DeoVR Videos - Stream up to 8K 120FPS quality VR | 180, 360, 3D
Over 24,200 videos for your VR headset. DeoVR is the global VR content community. Get immersed and enjoy the best 4K, 6K, 8K, 3D, 180, and 360 VR experience with DeoVR.
VRChat lets you create, publish, and explore virtual worlds with people from around the world.
概念区分:什么是VR、AR、MR、XR、ER? - 腾讯云
虚拟现实(VR)- Virtual Reality 就是你带上一个眼镜就进入一个虚拟空间,覆盖你全部的视觉和绝大部分的听觉,并且支持身体与环境的交互。 主要是临场感、沉浸感。
Analysing usability and presence of a virtual reality operating …
Abstract: Immersive Virtual Reality (VR) laparoscopy simulation is emerging to enhance the attractiveness and realism of surgical procedural training. This study analyses the usability and presence of a Virtual Operating Room (VOR) setup via user evaluation and sets out the key elements for an immersive environment during a laparoscopic ...
Road to VR – Virtual Reality News
4 天之前 · Founded in 2011, Road to VR is the leading independent VR news publication. Covering PC VR, Quest, PSVR, Apple Vision Pro, and more.
泡面大哥737-800非精密进近(VOR/DME)全流程教学(原创)【 …
在飞机进入第四边就可以接通VORLOC,截获VOR信号,它能帮助你自动飞好水平航迹。 空客没这功能,需要手动切入和调整,但空客有FPA模式,可以以指定下滑角进行垂直引导,算是各有利弊。 非精密进近最核心的就是在最终进近阶段,核对航图,做好高度调整,图中距离LCZ台6海里,航图给出的参考高度是3700英尺,我们的高度表显示3720英尺,符合要求。 一般VOR进近航图会给5-8个不同距离的参考高度(我感觉从FAF开始,每海里一个最佳),在固定距离达到参 …
VOR gain adaptation - lavalle.pl
The VOR gain is a ratio that compares the eye rotation rate (numerator) to counter the rotation and translation rate of the head (denominator). Because head motion has six DOFs, it is appropriate to break the gain into six components.