Vorderrhein - Wikipedia
The Vorderrhein (German: [ˈfɔʁdɐˌʁaɪn] ⓘ; Sursilvan: Rein Anteriur ⓘ; Sutsilvan: Ragn Anteriur; Rumantsch Grischun, Vallader, and Puter: Rain Anteriur; Surmiran: Ragn anteriour), or Anterior Rhine, is the left of the two initial tributaries of the Rhine (the other being the Hinterrhein).
在前莱茵河上泛舟 | 瑞士国家旅游局 - Switzerland Tourism
前莱茵河(Vorderrhein)是阿尔卑斯山脉最著名的湍流,一路白练碧潭,奇趣纷呈、惊险不断的水上漂流会让游客的旅行莱茵河之行终身难忘。 从伊兰茨(Ilanz)至莱歇瑙(Reichenau),河段全长20公里,登筏漂流,既可享受漂流的刺激与快乐,又可尽享沿途美景。
Vorderrhein - schweizerfluss.ch
Der Vorderrhein ist ein rund 72 Kilometer langer Quellfluss des Rhein in der Surselva im Kanton Graubünden. Er wird auf rätoromanisch Rein Anteriur genannt und vereinigt sich bei Reichenau mit dem Hinterrhein .
Vorderrhein | river, Switzerland | Britannica
The Vorderrhein emerges from Lake Toma at 7,690 feet (2,344 metres), near the Oberalp Pass in the Central Alps, and then flows eastward past Disentis to be joined by the Hinterrhein from the south at Reichenau above Chur. (The Hinterrhein rises about five miles west of… Read More
莱茵河 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
萊茵河發源於位於瑞士格勞賓登州境內的阿爾卑斯山區,這裡有兩條主要的支流:前萊茵河(Vorderrhein)與後萊茵河(Hinterrhein)。 前萊茵河發源於靠近 上阿尔卑斯山口 (Oberalp Pass)的圖馬湖(Lake Tuma),然後通過Ruinaulta(瑞士大峽谷)。
Vorderrhein - Swiss Activities
The Vorderrhein is a 77 km long river that rises in Lake Toma in the Grisons Alps. It flows through the picturesque Vorderrhein valley, surrounded by majestic mountains and untouched nature. One of the most famous sights is the Rhine Gorge, also known as the "Swiss Grand Canyon".
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Vorderrhein Map - Stream - Switzerland - Mapcarta
The Vorderrhein, or Anterior Rhine, is the left of the two initial tributaries of the Rhine. It is longer than the Hinterrhein, but has a lower discharge than the latter at their confluence, which marks the beginning of the Alpine Rhine section.
Rafting on the Vorderrhein - Switzerland Tourism
The popular rafting tour takes you through the impressive Vorderrhein canyon, one of the most popular white water stretches in the Alps. The 20-kilometer long river section between Ilanz and Reichenau offers a very successful combination of pleasurable and exciting white water rapids as well as an extraordinarily beautiful landscape with ...
Rheinschlucht | Schweiz Tourismus - Switzerland Tourism
In den Wäldern und dem Vorderrhein entlang empfangen ein dichtes Wanderwegnetz, verschiedenste Bike-Touren und schöne Rastplätze den Besucher. Der Vorderrhein ist zudem eine der faszinierendsten Strecken Europas für Kanu, Kajak und Riverrafting. Anreise: Mit der Rhätischen Bahn (RhB) bis Bahnhof Trin, Versam-Safien oder Valendas-Sagogn ...
Vorderrhein - Wikiwand
The Vorderrhein, or Anterior Rhine, is the left of the two initial tributaries of the Rhine. It is longer than the Hinterrhein, but has a lower discharge than t...