Zemouregal & Vorkath Tips and Tricks Needed : r/runescape
2024年4月15日 · Use the artillery special attack whenever zemo spawns undeads (dont use it when vorkath is near 50% hp) If you just used it and vorkath is in the air, pray magic and use …
Vorkath is still not fun at all, still breaks, and now is ... - Reddit
Vorkath is still not fun at all, still breaks, and now is somehow more tedious to complete the boss log after the recent update. Discussion I made a post about a month ago about the issues with …
Vorkath hardmode is easier with a few pieces of cryptbloom and
After doing 25 kills in hardmode, the easiest method I've found so far personally is running 3 pieces of cryptbloom (head, gloves, boots) and 2 pieces of t95 necro gear and weapons with …
Loot from 100 Normal Mode Vorkath + My quick Analysis.
Watching Vorkath fall from the sky gives mixed feelings, it looks as if someone just threw it back into the arena but he failed to land on his feet, while hilarious you can't help but feel bad. The …
Can someone please explain Hardmode Vorkath? : r/runescape
2023年12月4日 · The damage is of course coming from vorkath, zemo, and all the minions. Make sure to use the ballista once the first minions appear like 10-15 seconds to the fight, and use it …
average kill times at normal mode vorkath/ Zemouregal and
I'm using full T95 Necro gear in normal mode and my best time is 1:56 Basically, go in, kill the giant to access the fight, then jump on Vorkath, do the normal damage rotation to get to phase …
Vorkath with Bofa? : r/ironscape - Reddit
2022年5月28日 · Bowfa should be ~20% more dps than rcb+ruby bolts (e) at max vorkath hp and ~50% better than diamond bolts (e). The reduced damage from antifire shield probably doesn't …
Can the Vorki pet drop if you skip killing Vorkath? : r/runescape
2023年11月28日 · Done this almost 500 times, when vorkath hits 370-390k hp, target zemo, invoke death+vuln and equip eof, make sure you are building soul stacks through the first 20 …
Which protection prayers are meant to be most effective against …
I have done a number of attempted and successful Vorkath and Zemouregal boss fights and have noticed that there are a number of combat triangle hits to face off against. For the mean part …
New Quest & Boss: Vorkath, Battle of Forinthry : r/runescape
2023年11月15日 · For some reason I didn't expect the new overrides to be tradeable, I guess it makes sense since the other two shard hunt rewards (golden cape and partyhat) were …