Mechanical Assembly - Voron Documentation
For V1, V2, and Legacy, gantry should be squared with equal belt tension. See the guide for setting gantry belt tension. Bed screws should always be left slightly loose during initial assembly and finished tightening while bed is heated after a few heating cycles. Trident and V2 should firmly tighten one screw, then slightly tighten 2 others.
Secondary Printer Tuning - Voron Documentation
Belts that are too tight (or too loose) can cause mechanical issues, premature wear and print quality issues. Watch this video for a demonstration. Move your X extrusion forwards until the X/Y idler centers are 150mm from the front idler centers. Pluck the 150mm section of belt and measure the frequency with one of the apps listed below.
Voron 0 Assembly Guide: 11. A/B Belts - Voron Design
Using a pair of needle nose pliers, pull each belt as tight as you can without tearing the belt. Since there is one clamp securing two belts, use the pliers across both belts and twist the pliers to …
3D打印机-皮带张力计/皮带张紧器 - 哔哩哔哩
官方推荐打印参数:使用 ABS 在光滑PEI上打印以获得最佳效果,0.4mm喷嘴,层高0.2mm ,轮廓4层,顶底层5层,40%网格填充,全程线宽0.4mm。 针或滑动齿轮齿上不允许有接缝,调整接缝的位置。 Meter Base-RC2.stl的第 18 层改变颜色,GT2 Calibration Wire Pivot 0.032.stl的第 43 层 改变颜色。 您的打印机应该针对此项目进行良好调整(例如,能够打印近乎完美的voron立方体)。 任何 PA 问题或挤压过度/不足都可能导致性能不佳。 五金件:2个M2x10mm螺丝,1 …
校准皮带松紧 - 念叨菌的小屋
皮带太紧(或太松)都不好,要么过早磨损,要么影响打印质量问题。 这里可以参考 voron官方原文。 目的: 调整皮带松紧度到最佳 何时操作: 在安装完毕皮带的时候,或者在首层打印检查时,发现皮带可能出现了问题 所需工具: Bicycle Belt Tension Meter APP 补充 ...
07 - Run the Belts - Voron Design
Study the belt path. Best practice is to run one belt before cutting. Use this belt to measure the other belt to the exact same length (by tooth count). Leave at least 1 inch (2-3cm) spare on …
A/B vs X/Y | VORON Design
2025年1月5日 · I'm curious about the design decision to use an A/B belting configuration for the gantries. IIUC, both motors have to be operational even for straight X or Y moves. From digging into the model, teeth on the back of the extruder mount lock both of the belts to the mount.
View and Download ADITIVA 3D VORON BELT 350 KIT assembly manual online. VORON BELT 350 KIT 3d printers pdf manual download.
Question - AB Belt rubbing and alignment | VORON Design
2024年12月10日 · My 2.4 350mm build is mostly working, but after a few dozen prints I'm starting to see layer shifts. After a moderate amount of Googling, the most popular answer was "Look at your belts". I took the panels off and I am seeing some "belt dust" and I see at least one of the belts are not sitting correctly on an idler. What am I doing wrong?
V2 Gantry Squaring - Voron Documentation
Jog your gantry to the center of the build volume using the LCD or web interface. This will give you space to work. You need easy access to both the bottom and top of your gantry. Loosen your A/B belt tension fully. This prevents the A/B belt tension from pulling the gantry out of alignment while you work on it.
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