FrankenVoron/Tridex: Trident + IDEX - GitHub
The primary purpose of this IDEX (Independent Dual EXtrusion) printer is to enable dual material prints for soluble/removable supports (ie, ABS primary material + HIPS support material). Other methods of printing dual materials within a single toolhead (such as using a Y splitter, MMU, Palette, etc) have issues due to mixing/contamination ...
MagicPhoenix/VORON-2.4-IDEX - GitHub
Let me know if any questions, you can contact me at vorondesign discord livexy#8162. There's a discord channel for this : https://discord.gg/JFDxZtzrUS. Update on Sep 2023: It can work …
FrankenVoron/IDEX - GitHub
Two Y belts with two Y motors added for moving X axis, stacked just below the existing lower belt path. -Possibly some sheet metal to make XY joints stiffer and make it easier to secure belt. -No ETA, just a random fun project! Started fall 2020. Belt path (red lines show two y …
voron IDEX? : r/voroncorexy - Reddit
2021年8月7日 · Is anyone considering making an IDEX version of a voron? are there any existing IDEX builds? how possible is it to do an IDEX voron using the existing hardware and electronics?
又组装花絮02: Voron idex 双头交替打印可溶性支撑 3D打印机 镂 …
又组装花絮02: Voron idex 双头交替打印可溶性支撑 3D打印机 镂空TPU鞋子出炉本期视频的这台idex双头打印机,主要是将鞋子的花纹自动生成这种镂空的并打印出来虽然测试时的鞋子尺寸不对,但只要这个模式可实现,那么鞋子按照脚的尺码放大即可, 视频播放量 4614 ...
Tridex questions -IDEX Trident - VORON Design
2023年11月29日 · I love the design of the Trident but I also want an IDEX machine so I've become interested in Eddietheengineer's Tridex design but before I go fully into buying everything I just want to see if anyone can answer a few questions on this.
Tridex:开启双材料3D打印新时代 - CSDN博客
2024年9月28日 · Tridex是一款专为双材料3D打印而设计的独立双挤出(IDEX)打印机。 其主要目的是实现可溶性/可移除支撑材料的双材料打印,例如ABS主材料与HIPS支撑材料的组合。
voron2.4-idex制作中 - 哔哩哔哩
置顶电器仓+底部杂物抽屉+idex双头+小米5上位机, 视频播放量 2634、弹幕量 0、点赞数 46、投硬币枚数 18、收藏人数 37、转发人数 2, 视频作者 FBGGGGDS, 作者简介 ,相关视频:类拓竹h2D的3d打印机挤出机设计方案!!单机头双热端方案~,自制提词器,口播告别忘词!
Tridex Build - 400 x 400(ish) - VORON Design
2022年11月17日 · The build plate is 400 x 400 as well, my thought process was that I could achieve 200 x 400 mm in mirror/duplication mode. But practical IDEX printing is probably closer to 300 x 400 mm. not sure what I'm going to do given that the release candidate design now has brushes for each tool head and might not fit the bed size.
Voron idex: trident or 2.4? : r/VORONDesign - Reddit
2022年4月29日 · With a plan to build a Voron, I’d love the long term possibility of an idex modification. Do a V0 IDEX: https://github.com/zruncho3d/double-dragon. And definitely ask any questions on the DoomCube Discord; #doom-x for Tridex and #double-dragon for, you guessed it.