GitHub - jrymk/voron-xl: Flip the Voron 2.4 upside-down for ...
reasonably sized enclosure, with no super tall wire looms like on the Prusa XL or WP-DAKSH. That is why I went with Voron 2.4 style gantry, totally inspired by the Stealthchanger and Tapchanger. Also the tools are parked further out so you don't lose any build volume, and it tensions the tubes and wire when inactive
VORON Design
We build space shuttles with gardening tools so anyone can have a space shuttle of their own. Get started with VORON 3D printer, the best little CoreXY 'space shuttle' you can build in your garden shed, or your kitchen.
3D打印机Voron(沃龙)简介 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
voron的核心理念是**“用简单工具实现极致性能”**。 无论是厨房组装的亲民路线,还是对标工业级精度的线性导轨,每一处设计都在平衡成本与性能。 正如团队所言:“我们以园艺工具建造航天飞机,只为让你也能拥有自己的星辰大海。
voron-xl/README.md at main · jrymk/voron-xl - GitHub
A Voron 2.4 style toolchanger with no compromises. New rails, new extrusions, it is not a Voron mod I'm afraid
Voron官方文档之二:如何选择打印机/挤出机 - 知乎
2025年2月3日 · Voron Zero 是一款传统的 CoreXY 设计,打印床沿 Z 轴移动,采用 1515 型材构建,打印体积为 120mm³。 其天然封闭结构支持 ABS 打印。 目前,Trident 和 V2 的所有单机械部件均可通过 Voron Zero 打印完成。
FYSETC/Venture_XL - GitHub
The Venture XL, a 600mm3 coreXY printer kit, is inspired by the classic VORON V2.4. The key components of this kit are high-precision CNC-machined parts, demonstrating outstanding quality.
Voron 2.4 vs Prusa xl quality, maintenance, expectations
Which machine(voron vs prusa xl) is your go to printer for quality single material prints, is there a big difference between them or not? If you only could have one, which one would it be?
V2.4 Based Tool Changer Questions - VORON Design
2024年8月24日 · I'm torn between ordering the Prusa XL 5 tool head or building a Voron V2.4 based tool changer (likely stealth changer). I already have a functioning V2.4 Rev C LDO kit and would be adding another printer.
G2Z or G2Zxl for a 350 V2.4 - VORON Design
2024年7月3日 · What started out as adding a few mods to my V2.4 350 has rapidly evolved into a new printer. But I can't decide on the G2Z or the XL version. It's AWD with a common anomaly X beam and an Archtype breakneck toolhead with cpap cooling w/beacon. I'm kind of leaning towards the XL version but it is currently designed with the standard G2Z.
Waiting for Prusa "XL" or getting a Voron 2.4 kit?
2021年9月4日 · RE: Waiting for Prusa "XL" or getting a Voron 2.4 kit? The Prusa XL does not exist. Announced without any estimated date. Are you ready to wait a full year or more to have it with normal delivery times?