BC108 - Vox Amps
The ideal companion for the MV50, the BC108 is a compact, portable cabinet that is designed to enhance the low-frequency range to ensure rich, full guitar tone at any volume. The specially designed 8” speaker is mounted from the front, allowing for …
Vox BC108 25-watt 1 x 8-inch Cabinet | Sweetwater
Vox's BC108 speaker cabinet is a perfect mate to the company's line of MV Nutube amp heads. Though it boasts a modest 8" speaker, the BC108 has been specifically voiced to push a deceptive amount of low end and punch from its diminutive size.
Amazon.com: VOX Black Cab Series Amplifier Cabinet (BC108) : …
2017年2月1日 · The ideal companion for the MV50, the BC108 is a compact, portable cabinet designed to enhance the low-frequency range to ensure rich, full guitar tone at any volume. The specially designed 8” speaker is mounted from the front, allowing for clearer tone and a wider dispersion of sound.
Vox BC108 25-watt 1x8" Cabinet with Semi-open Back - Reverb
Vox's BC108 speaker cabinet is a perfect mate to the company's line of MV Nutube amp heads. Though it boasts a modest 8" speaker, the BC108 has been specifically voiced to push a deceptive amount of low end and punch from its diminutive size.
VOX ( ヴォックス ) >BC108 ギターキャビネット|サウンドハウス
小型・軽量ながら独自のセミ・オープンバック構造によりスピーカーの低音再生の限界を極めたギターキャビネット。 こちらの商品もオススメ! コンパクトながら20W対応の本格的なギター用キャビネットです。 2025/01/13. エージング? 買った当初はもこもこした音で正直抜けないなぁって感じでしたが、1日8時間位音楽を鳴らし続け2日で効果が出ました。 メーカー推奨の行為では無いかもしれませんが、同じような悩みを感じていらっしゃる方ダメ元で試してみて …
VOX Amp Shop | Black Cab Series 1x8 Speaker Cabinet
The ideal companion for the MV50, the BC108 is a compact, portable cabinet that is designed to enhance the low-frequency range to ensure rich, full guitar tone at any volume. The specially designed 8” speaker is mounted from the front, allowing for …
Vox BC108 - What To Know & Where To Buy | Equipboard
2 天之前 · The ideal companion for the MV50, the BC108 is a compact, portable cabinet that is designed to enhance the low-frequency range to ensure rich, full guitar tone at any volume. …
- 评论数: 4
Vox - BC108 8'' Compact Cabinet - Long & McQuade
The BC108 is a compact, portable cabinet that is designed to enhance the low-frequency range to ensure rich, full guitar tone at any volume. The specially designed 8" speaker is mounted from the front, allowing for clearer tone and a wider dispersion of sound.
- 评论数: 8
Vox BC108 Black Cab Speaker Cabinet
The ideal companion for the MV50, BC108 is a compact, portable cabinet that is designed to enhance the low-frequency range to ensure rich, full guitar tone at any volume. The specially designed 8” speaker allows for clearer tone and a wider dispersion of sound. BC108 still offers plenty of volume and is perfect for at-home practice.
VOX BC108 1 x 8" Speaker (s) Amplifier for sale online | eBay
Though it boasts a modest 8" speaker, the BC108 has been specifically voiced to push a deceptive amount of low end and punch from its diminutive size. And the cabinet's semi-open back design offers a wide sound dispersion while simultaneously retaining a tightness in the lows that is rare for micro enclosures.