VpCI®-368 - Cortec Corporation
VpCI®-368 is a solvent-based temporary waxlike coating that provides protection in harsh, outdoor, unsheltered applications. Provides multi-metal protection.
康特|歌德防锈剂VPCI-368|CORTEC防锈蜡vpci368油基防锈剂-深 …
VPCI-368是一种溶剂型临时蜡状涂料,可为恶劣、户外、无遮蔽的应用提供保护,但可用碱性清洁剂(如 VpCI-414)去除。 提供多金属保护。 VPCI-368特点. 有弹性/韧性. 良好的盐雾能力. 良好的室外防护. 多金属保护. 良好的抗紫外线能力. 防潮湿. 硬膜可耐392ºF(200ºC)高温. 符合MIL-PRF-16173E(1级和2级) 北约6850-66-132-5848. 北约6850-66-132-6099. NSN 8030-00-062-6950. NSN 8030-00-231-2345. NSN 8030-00-244-1300. NSN 8030-01-470-2601. VPCI-368理 …
VpCI®-368 - Cortec Coatings
VpCI ®-368 is a fast drying, solvent -based temporary coating that provides protection in harsh, outdoor, unsheltered applications yet is easily removed with alkaline cleaners such as VpCI ®-414. Provides multi-metal protection. Can be matched to some custom colors.
VpCI®-368 Solvent Based Temporary Coating DESCRIPTION VpCI®-368 is a solvent-based temporary waxlike coating that provides protection in harsh, outdoor, unsheltered applications yet is removeable with alkaline cleaners such as VpCI®-414. Provides multi-metal protection. Also available as VpCI®-368 M, a military qualified version that
Cortec VpCI-368 - The Rust Store
Time-proven coating that provides excellent protection to metal substrates exposed to harsh outdoor conditions. VpCI-368 leaves a firm, wax-like film that can be removed by mineral spirits or alkaline cleaners . Typical applications include pipe coating, parts storage, underbody coating, wire rope, steel plate and machined parts.
VpCI-368 气相防锈油 产品中心 vpci-146_vpci-377_vpci …
VpCI-368是一种坚硬的、有很好附着力的涂层,可用VpCI-414、煤油、汽油等清洗剂清除。 VpCI-368可刷或喷,膜厚最小为2-3MIL(50-70微米),可被推荐用于室外无遮盖储存。 看不清? 换一张. 上海辰谛新材料科技有限公司,是美国CORTEC中国代理,主要经营美国CORTEC系列vpci-146,vpci-377,vpci-369,cortec热缩膜包装以及vPcl气相防锈材料,电话:13761892739 VpCI-368是一种经过时间认证的油基涂料,它能够在室外条件下为金属提供良好的底层防护。
Cortec CorShield Extreme Outdoor Corrosion Inhibitor VpCI-368
Cortec CorShield Extreme Outdoor Corrosion Inhibitor dries to a hard, waxy film. It's excellent for protection in harsh corrosive environments, including saltwater, and offers multi-year outdoor protection. Applications include pipe coating, parts storage, underbody coating, wire rope, steel plate and machined parts. UV resistant. Amber in color.
Cortec VpCI-368用于重载腐蚀防护的首选可去除涂层
2024年9月27日 · 重型可去除腐蚀保护VpCI-368是一种快速干燥的溶剂型临时涂料,可在金属表面留下2-3 密耳(50-75 µm)DFT(干膜厚度)的蜡状薄膜。 它为多种金属类型提供腐蚀保护,可应用于涂漆或未涂漆的表面。 VpCI-368表现出卓越的盐雾测试性能,并在恶劣、户外、无遮蔽的应用中提供保护。 当不再需要涂层时,可以使用碱性清洁剂(例如VpCI-414)进行强力清洗,轻松将其去除。 适用于多数应用的保护涂层VpCI-368非常适合金属部件生命周期的三个主要阶 …
CorShield® VpCI®-368 - Cortec Corporation - cortecvci.com
CorShield® VpCI®-368 is a fast drying, solvent-based temporary wax-like coating that provides protection in harsh, outdoor, unsheltered applications yet .
VpCI‐368 is a time‐proven coating that provides excellent protection to metal substrates exposed to harsh outdoor conditions. VpCI‐368 leaves a firm, wax‐like film that can be removed by mineral spirits or alkaline cleaners such as Cortec® VpCI‐414. Flexible . Excellent salt spray protection .