Error Code 84 - VSA sensor neutral position memorization
2010年8月29日 · VSA neutral position setting Do not touch the brake pedal anymore. 1) Jump pins 4 & 9. 2) Turn the ignition on, after ABS light turns off, quickly press the "VSA off" button. 3) After ABS light turns on again, quickly press the "VSA off" button. 4) Now shoud be a lot of different blinks and fashes and all lights ABS, VSA and triangle should ...
VSA Sensor Replaced @ $1,000. | Acura TSX Forum
2012年4月10日 · When you say VSA sensor, are you referring to the yaw sensor? If so, the p/n is 39960-SDA-A01. I pulled it up for a 2006 so I'm not sure if there are different numbers for different years. Anyways, Acura lists the price at $690 but you can order it from Acura of Boston (Bernardi) warehouse for $518+shipping.
Error Code 84 - VSA sensor neutral position memorization
2008年11月2日 · Using an Autel scanner, I received DTCs for 16-1 (right rear wheel sensor), 18-1 (left rear wheel sensor) and 84-1 (VSA Sensor Neutral Position). Before taking on the 84-1, I ordered and installed new wheel sensors for both the left and right rear.
2004 VSA Light On - Acura TSX Forum
2013年3月22日 · I just bought a 2004 TSX with 50k miles on it and had the typical VSA + (!) light on issue. It turns out the VSA neutral position sensor was having issues...
VSA Light Came on and doesn't respond to VSA Switch
2010年6月26日 · Hey what's up guys, my VSA Light and the "VSA triangle symbol" just came on my 04 tsx. It doesn't turn off when I press the VSA Button and it's been on for about 2 weeks now. I even changed the VSA Switch, but it still stayed on. At least I …
The (apparently) dreaded VSA - Acura TSX Forum
2019年10月21日 · Hey, y'all. I have an 07 auto, base. VSA light has been on since I got the car. Drivers rear wheel sensor. I've tried clearing the lights with the pins 9 and 4, and 9 and ground. I've replaced the wheel sensor. I've replaced the wheel hub assembly. I've replaced the brake light switch. /!\\ is...
84-1 Code Sensor Logic Malfunction (VSA) - Acura TSX Forum
2012年3月29日 · I keep getting an 84-1 code, sensor logic failure error, on my 04 TSX. The triangle with the ! in it is on steady and remains as soon as I start the car. When I drive for a short period the "check VSA system" light comes on and also remains on. Does anyone know what can be causing this problem...
MAJOR ISSUES with VSA and brakes - Acura TSX Forum
2013年8月22日 · I put the battery terminals back on and started the car. I then drove 30sec and VSA came on again. I plugged a computer in and did a full scan again. Following errors occurred. 68-1 Permanent DTC Brake Switch Failure 84-1 Permanent DTC Sensor Logic Failure I then went and pulled the brake sensor out behind the brake pedal and checked it for ...
2005 VSA/Triangle Light Issue - Acura TSX Forum
2013年9月3日 · Don't think it is a ABS sensor issue. If it is the ABS sensor, your ABS light will be on as well. Possible DTCs: 25 Yaw sensor 26 Lateral acceleration sensor 27 Steering angle sensor 64 Sensor Power Voltage 65 Brake Fluid Level 66 VSA Pressure Sensor 68 Brake Pedal Position Switch 83 ECM/PCM 84 VSA Sensor Neutral Position 86 F-CAN I would try to retrieve the DTC code stored, I retrieve it by ...
ABS/VSA/ (!) - ABS, VSA, & VSA Activation Indicator Lights all On
2013年6月11日 · Well, this is getting interesting. During a drive yesterday, the ABS light went off for about 10 miles, and then came back on. I pulled the codes again, and I get: 1-7: LR sensor (this one is consistent); 8-4: VSA central neutral. I see there is a procedure in the FSM to reset the 8-4. I think I'm going to go thru a read codes, reset codes, process for a while to get this completely sorted out ...