Vesna Lovec (Sunjkic) - Researcher - Faculty of Civil Engineering ...
Engineer of architecture · Experience: Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture University of Maribor · Education: Faculty of Architecture - University of Belgrade,...
Vesna LOVEC | phd | Architecture | Research profile
Practical Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Comfort in Kindergartens. A Case Study of Slovenia. The experimental monitoring of carbon dioxide concentration was...
Vesna Lovec (0000-0002-1255-0486) - ORCID
Practical Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Comfort in Kindergartens. A Case Study of Slovenia. Energy efficiency of kindergarten buildings in the muncipality of Maribor. Adapting the Traditional House in Vojvodina to Contemporary Needs. The Porch as the Basic Element of Transformation.
DOI: 10.14621/tna.20140207 Adapting the Traditional House in Vojvodina to Contemporary Needs. The Porch as the Basic Element of Transformation Vesna Lovec*, Milica Jovanović Popović
PhD Vesna Lovecno.:53017 - cris.cobiss.net
researcher – active in research organisation E-mail vesna.lovec um.si Edit Research activity
Vesna Lovec - Semantic Scholar
Semantic Scholar profile for Vesna Lovec, with 1 highly influential citations and 6 scientific research papers.
Vesna Lovec: Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation
Practical Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Comfort in Kindergartens. A Case Study of Slovenia Vesna Lovec, Miroslav Premrov and Vesna Žegarac Leskovar Additional contact information IJERPH, 2021, vol. 18, issue 18, 1-14
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