VTOC - Patient Portal & Care Team Sign In
VTOC provides an intuitive interface for completing forms requested by your provider. Your data is securely shared with your care team. VTOC provides the ability to enter your health information and build your Personal Health Record using data standards of the ARRA HITECH Act.
What is a VTOC? - IBM
The VTOC lists the data sets that reside on its volume, along with information about the location and size of each data set, and other data set attributes. A standard z/OS utility program, ICKDSF, is used to create the label and VTOC. When a disk volume is initialized with ICKDSF, the owner can specify the location and size of the VTOC.
Volume Table of Contents - Wikipedia
In the storage architecture of OS/360 and successors, CMS, and DOS/360 and successors, the Volume Table of Contents (VTOC) is a data structure that provides a way of locating the data sets that reside on a particular DASD volume.
Displaying a Volume Table of Contents (VTOC) - IBM
To display or print a list of data sets on one or more disks, you can use the Work with VTOC utility. With this utility, you can list either all the data sets, or a subset of the data sets based on a generic data set name.
The VTOC Index - IBM
The VTOC index is a physical-sequential data set on the same volume as the related VTOC. It consists of an index of data set names in DSCBs contained in the VTOC and volume free space information. The data set names are in format-1 and format-8 DSCBs.
VTOC Records for z/OS 1.11 - pacsys.com
Purpose: The VTOC is a data set that describes the contents of the direct access volume on which it resides. It is a contiguous data set; that is, it resides in a single extent on the volume and starts after cylinder 0, track 0 and before track 65,535.
VTOC - 百度百科
VTOC记录了存储设备上所有数据集的属性,如数据集名,定位信息,长度,记录格式,使用情况,建立日期等信息. VTOC 由 DSCB (Data Set Control Block)组成,它对应于一个数据集,或者驻留于该卷上的 VSAM 数据集的定位信息,或者未分配的磁道。 对应于数据集的 DSCB 和反映 VSAM 数据集在该卷上的空间占用情况。 DSCB 描述了数据集的特性,而描述未分配空间的 DSCB 则指出了未分配磁道的位置。 每个 DSCB 的记录长度为 140 字节,格式为: 44 字节的 …
VTOC - 中文百科全書
VTOC是一個單個Extent上的順序的數據集,並且存放在 磁碟 的0柱面0 磁軌 之後,65535磁軌之前。 VTOC 由 DSCB (Data Set Control Block)組成,它對應於一個數據集,或者駐留於該卷上的 VSAM 數據集的定位信息,或者未分配的磁軌。 對應於數據集的 DSCB 和反映 VSAM 數據集在該卷上的空間占用情況。 DSCB 描述了數據集的特性,而描述未分配空間的 DSCB 則指出了未分配磁軌的位置。 每個 DSCB 的記錄長度為 140 位元組,格式為: 44 位元組的關鍵字,記錄數 …
Alan Altmark: Volume Table of Contents (VTOC) - VM
The purpose of the VTOC is to tell z/VSE and z/OS, both of which use the VTOC to manage space on the volume, that there is no room on the volume. They can look, but not touch. z/VM itself doesn't use the VTOC. The VTOC is pointed to by the label. Now let's look at a real example. This 10-cylinder disk was formatted using CPFMTXA.
什么是TVOC? TVOC标准值多少_mg - 搜狐
2019年9月24日 · 室内空气品质的研究人员通常把他们采样分析的所有室内有机气态物质称为TVOC,它是Volatile Organic Compound三个词第一个字母的缩写,各种被测量的TVOC被总称为 总挥发性有机物TVOC。 TVOC的主要来源在室外,主要来自燃料燃烧和交通运输:而在室内则主要来自燃煤和天然气等燃烧产物、吸烟、采暖和烹调等的烟雾,建筑和装饰材料中的胶合剂、涂料、油漆、板材、壁纸等,家具,家用电器,家具、清洁剂和人体本身的排放等。 在室内装饰 …