Vulcain (rocket engine) - Wikipedia
Vulcain is a family of European first stage rocket engines for Ariane 5 and Ariane 6. Its development began in 1988 and the first flight was completed in 1996. The updated version of the engine, Vulcain 2, was first successfully flown in 2005.
ESA - Ariane 5 Vulcain engine - European Space Agency
The Vulcain 2 engine delivered a thrust in the order of 130 tonnes. This progress was achieved by concentrating an extremely powerful turbopump into a relatively compact volume and by mastering the extreme temperatures involved.
The development of the Vulcain-2 cryogenic engine forms part of ESA’s Ariane-5 Evolution Programme, which was endorsed by the Ministers of the Agency’s Member States in October 1995, at the Ministerial Council in Toulouse. Vulcain-2 is an improved version of the original Vulcain engine powering the main cryogenic stage of the Ariane-5 ...
火神发动机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
火神发动机(Vulcain)是一種主要用於欧空局 阿丽亚娜五号火箭作為其一級推進的 低溫火箭發動機 ( 英语 : Cryogenic rocket engine ) 系列,由法國的航太設備製造商斯奈克瑪(Snecma,本身是賽峰集團的子公司)開發製造。
The Vulcain 2.1 Engine: Powering Europe's Ariane 6 Rocket into …
2024年5月13日 · The Vulcain 2.1 is a liquid-fueled rocket engine that utilizes cryogenic propellants, namely liquid oxygen (LOX) and liquid hydrogen (LH2). It operates on a gas generator cycle, where a small portion of the propellants is burned in a separate combustion chamber to drive the turbopumps that feed the main combustion chamber.
ESA - All engines for Ariane 6 complete qualification tests
Ariane 6’s core stage cryogenic engine, the Vulcain 2.1, is fueled by liquid oxygen–hydrogen. It delivers 1371 kN of thrust in vacuum to propel Ariane 6 in the first eight minutes of flight, up to an altitude of 200 km.
Vulcain 2 - Encyclopedia Astronautica
New generator cycle rocket engine for an Ariane 5 core stage upgrade. Thrust increased more than 30% from Vulcain 1. First flight 2002. Status: In development. Number: 9 . Thrust: 1,350.00 kN (303,490 lbf). Unfuelled mass: 1,800 kg (3,900 lb). Specific impulse: 434 s. Specific impulse sea level: 318 s. Height: 3.60 m (11.80 ft). Diameter: 2.10 ...
new Vulcain 2.1 engine tested - DLR
2018年1月23日 · To create a more cost-effective and efficient generation of engines, Vulcain 2 is being redeveloped into the new Vulcain 2.1 engine, featuring a 3D-printed gas generator, a redesigned, simplified nozzle and a combustion chamber that can be ignited by the launcher's ground support system.
【技术·国际航天】所有用于Ariane 6的发动机都通过了资格鉴定测 …
Vulcain 2.1 –核心级引擎. 阿丽亚娜6的芯一级核心级低温发动机Vulcain 2.1由液态氧-氢提供燃料。它在飞行的前八分钟内提供1371 kN的 真空推力 来推动Ariane 6,直至200 km的高度。它的重量与空客A318喷气发动机相同,但功率却是其10倍以上。
VULCAIN®2.1, the European Reference for Ariane 6 Lower Stage …
The Vulcain®2.1 engine is a cryogenic gas generator cycle engine with two independent turbopumps. This engine is an evolution of the flight proven Vulcain®2 engine used on Ariane 5E, with the same performances but introducing cost effective new technologies aiming at a global recurring cost reduction including launcher and ground operations.