• Prior to cutting the seal on inbound shipments, CBP’s View, Verify, Twist, and Tug (VVTT) method must be used, with a witness, to ensure the seal is 1) the correct seal number, 2) …
utilizes the V.V.T.T. Seal Inspection Process (View, Verify, Tug, and Twist) for verifying . -TPAT compliant seals. If you encounter a problem seal, notify your supervisor before opening the …
Partners can minimize the possibility of seals being tampered with by establishing a seal integrity process. The VVTT seal verification and inspection process should be used before seals are …
What are CTPAT Seals - and Why Are They Important? - Alta Max
Ensuring that your seals meet or exceed the ISO 17712 standard, a "VVTT seal verification and inspection process" should be followed to ensure integrity: V – View seal and container locking …
It is known as the VVTT process: V - View seal and closing mechanisms of the container and make sure they are good; V - Verify seal number against cargo documents to verify their …
VVTT_English & Chinese封条检查方法 - 百度文库
Compare the seal number on the seal with the seal number on the shipping documents. Twist & Turn seal to make sure it does not come off. Altered seals may be threaded so they can be …
VVTT_English Chinese封条检查方法精选.pdf 7页 - 原创力文档
2018年4月27日 · 如果封条被拉开,则需要立即向主管汇报 6 Seal Inspection 封条检查 Twist Turn seal to make sure it does not come off. Altered seals may be threaded so they can be …
Emerson suppliers’ seal verification process must be followed to ensure all high security seals (bolt/cable) have been affixed properly to Containers/Trailers/Cargo Units and are operating as …
CVS Pharmacy is committed to ensuring supply chain security within a framework consistent with Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) guidelines and in a prudent, equitable …
C-TPAT Seal Inspection Training A seal inspection process should be implemented throughout the supply chain. The V.V.T.T. Seal Inspection Process is a good example of one: View seal …