utilizes the V.V.T.T. Seal Inspection Process (View, Verify, Tug, and Twist) for verifying . -TPAT compliant seals. If you encounter a problem seal, notify your supervisor before opening the trailer it seals. Supervisors must c.
The VVTT seal verification and inspection process should be used before seals are put in place and closed: – View seal and container locking mechanisms. – Verify seal number for accuracy. – Tug on seal to make sure it is affixed properly. – Twist and turn seal to make sure it …
affixed and 2) using CBP’s View, Verify, Twist, and Tug (VVTT) method to ensure the seal is the correct seal number, uncompromised, and properly affixed to the loaded container/trailer. • Compromised seals and/or containers must be reported …
封条VVTT检查流程程序 - 百度文库
在整个供应链中都应该使用V. V. T.Байду номын сангаасT.的流程和方法来进行封条检查. 1.施封之前,对封条和装货容柜门上的锁具进行检查. 2.封条必须由工厂/监管仓库指定的人员施封. 3.在施封之前,如果发现柜门上锁具或封条有损坏,需要向主管人员报告.
security seals (bolt or cable) have been properly attached to Instruments of International Traffic and are operating as designed. It is known as the VVTT process: V - View seal and closing mechanisms of the container and make sure they are good; V - Verify seal number against cargo documents to verify their accuracy;
C-TPAT Seal Inspection Training A seal inspection process should be implemented throughout the supply chain. The V.V.T.T. Seal Inspection Process is a good example of one: View seal and container locking mechanisms. Excessive damage to the seal or locking mechanisms must be reported to a Supervisor before opening the container. V
Minimize the possibility of seals being tampered with by establishing a seal integrity process. The VVTT seal verification and inspection process should be used before seals are put in place and closed: V – View seal and container locking mechanisms. Look for excessive damage to the seal or locking mechanism or loose bolt or hasp.
VVTT_English Chinese封条检查方法 - 豆丁网
2015年7月9日 · Seals should only be affixed by authorized factory or consolidator personnel. 封条必须由工厂/监管仓库指定的人员施封. Excessive damage to the locking mechanisms or seal should be reported to a
第六章 VVTT_English & Chinese封条检查方法.pdf - 原创力文档
VVTT Seal Inspection Process VVTTVVTT封条封条检查方法检查方法 1 Seal Inspection 封条检查 SSeall IInspectition andd VVerifiificatition PProcess OOverviiew封条封条检查和确认流程的检查和确认流程的总体内容总体内容 A seal inspection process should be implemented throughout the Supply Chain using the V. V. T. T. Process.在整个供应链中都应该使用V.
ProTrans utilizes the V.V.T.T. Seal Inspection Process (View, Verify, Tug, and Twist) for verifying C-TPAT compliant seals. If you encounter a problem seal, notify your supervisor before opening the trailer it seals. Supervisors must contact their facility manager prior to opening containers or trailers with damaged or defective high security ...