Discussion - VvV - Reward list overhaul/changes - TrueUO.com
2021年8月27日 · Making VvV battles/town control farming potentially more rewarding/lucrative. If this happens the time between battles could be slightly increased from what it is now. With the opening up of VvV potions being usable by anyone the intent was to possibly create a "farmable" consumable item that only VvV players could obtain but anyone could use.
Looking for feedback/improvements on enhanced greater Tokuno …
2024年6月29日 · Rune Beetle Carapace - Just a slight upgrade over RBC from VvV, which isn't much better than regular rbc anyway. Just some more resistances is all we got there. If you want to make it usefull (i doubt its ever gonna be but lets try) we have to add some more mods since resists are no longer difficult to assemble.
If you could let a new player know 10 things about Heritage that …
2023年9月26日 · I am looking at re-doing parts of the Heritage new player system and wanted to include a list of up to 10 helpful facts or hints about the shard on the New Player travel menu. If you could think of a few things and respond below I would appreciate it. There is a possibility your suggestion will...
FIXED Its Still possible to ride War Ostard Outside VvV
2020年9月6日 · Address play.trueuo.com Port 2593 Uptime 10 hours Players Online 6 Houses 853 Vendors 303 Gold 4,937,395,544gp
FIXED - Scrolls of Transcendence binding - TrueUO.com
2023年2月10日 · I have used scroll binder to bind alchemy pink scrolls up to 5 and at the end i got scammed It gets even more interesting because i made a proper one +5 alchemy SoT just a moment before.
Discussion VVV take precedence in towns? - trueuo.com
2019年7月13日 · Is it possible to have VVV take precedence? When i party with VVV OC guild and i run my bard buffs i am instantly guard whacked, I would just not run red but then the buffs cannot hit the murderers in my VVV guild.
Discussion Limit access to Felucca dungeons and Felucca T2A by IP
2023年11月2日 · What if we only allowed one logged in accounts IP to access Felucca dungeons and/or Felucca T2A at any one time? How about VvV flagged characters? Example: Player 1, Player 2, and Player 3 are each on different accounts owned under one IP. Player 1 is in Felucca T2A doing champ spawns. Player 2 is outside one of T2A entrance passages.
Suit Talk, specifically Mage suits, combat suit, non VvV...
2021年2月2日 · Not VvV DCI, -0 mage weapons etc. Forums. New posts Search forums. About Us. What's new. New posts New ...
PATCH LOG - February 2021 - Patch Log - TrueUO.com
2021年2月1日 · Town animal spawn has been reduced in certain Felucca VvV towns. Sand Vortexs now drop Sand when killed. Bug Fixes. The Pirate Bounty quests can now correctly be completed in Tokuno as well. A Sea market officer and …
FIXED VvV notoriety/beneficial acts bug - trueuo.com
2018年11月8日 · FIXED VvV notoriety/beneficial acts bug. Thread starter Dexter; Start date Nov 7, 2018; Dexter Staff Member