what is difference between AC VVVF drive & Dc VVVF drive
AC vvvf drives means alternating current variable voltage variable frequency drives its name itself indicates that here the frequency is changing,also calld as variabl frequency drive,converter, inverter, in which voltage belongs to dc bus of drive & speed belongs to switchings of IGBTs there is only DC Drives & no Dc VVVf drve, another name is
What is VVVF Drive - ALLInterview
VVVF Drive meaning is Variable Voltage Variable frequency drive. It is used to three phase induction motor and some type of single phase motor can be used. It is used to variable speed in Same voltage. It is change the motor frequency in constant voltage.
What does VVVF stands for in VVVF drive - ALLInterview
vvvf-variable voltage variable frequency drive vvf- variable voltage frequency drive the diffreance between this two drive is in vvvf if u vary the voltage frequency eill also vary but in vvf only voltage will vary.. ex:- ABB drives are vvvf drives
advantages of vvvf drives over non vvvf drives for EOT - ALLInterview
Answer / vinod. smooth start and stop. no jerking of load. exact posiitoning better protection for motor. high/low speed selection.
what is the principle of vvvf drive motor - ALLInterview
I am getting diesel genset 62 kv for my house In addition there are 6 meters of 11kv for the house Lift also being installed for house plot sise 200sq yds total 4 + 2 foloors I want to know how much earthing required how deep it should be
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How to calculate the electrical load for a standard telecom
Answer / gkg. For Active load,voltage will be 48vdc or 24vdc, so total active load=48v x 28A =1344w =1.34kw ...
Can anyone tell me how a 12v battery is transformed to
Answer / pillay. Umesh is right.The 12 volts is connected to an ignition coil (STEP UP TRANSFORMER)through a switch (CONTACT POINTS OR DISTRIBUTER) when the switch is INTERRUPTED a high voltage is created (ONLY ONCE FOR EACH INTERRUPTION) according to the design of the ignition coil.
what is the difference between static and dynamic induced emf?
Answer / guest. firstly,dynamic means movement...secondly,to get induced EMF, the magnetic field and the coil have to be established
what is the difference between megger and earth tester?
Answer / dolnarayan patel. Megger is used for insulation resitance measurement between any phase and earth or ground whereas earth tester is used