VWITX - Bogleheads.org
I commented that VWITX is fine for Taxable, but it depends on tax bracket. Once I knew it was 28% tax bracket, I then gave you a quick/simple example how to compare tax-exempt vs. taxable (nominal). I also suggested to look at comparable investments.
Understanding fund “turnover” - VWITX vs VTEAX - Bogleheads.org
2021年12月28日 · VWITX - Vanguard Intermediate-Term Tax-Exempt Fund VTEAX - Vanguard Tax-Exempt Bond Index Fund VWITX is actively managed with an ER of 0.17% (assuming investor shares,) but I prefer the portfolio because it holds nearly 0% of 20+ year bonds. As I understand it, long-term municipal bonds are not preferred for many reasons.
Why are intermediate term bonds (VWITX) often recommended …
2019年5月10日 · Re: Why are intermediate term bonds (VWITX) often recommended on these forums over short term bonds (VWSTX)? Post by vineviz » Sat May 11, 2019 4:24 pm Dandy wrote: Sat May 11, 2019 1:53 pm My guess is that intermediate bonds/funds are often the sweet spot i.e. moderate risk and decent yield.
VTMFX versus VTI plus VWITX - Bogleheads.org
2023年2月7日 · VWITX is a national muni fund, meaning it's fed tax exempt, but state taxable. * If you put all bonds in tax-free (a waste of tax-free space) and all stocks in taxable, even tax-efficient stock funds are taxed at both fed+state levels.
VTEB or VWITX? - Bogleheads.org
2021年12月19日 · VWITX Vanguard Intermediate Term Tax Exempt Bond has an admiral share class VWIUX with er=0.09%. 50K minimum initial investment for the Admiral shares. I prefer mutual fund shares of Vanguard funds.
VWITX (not a portfolio review) - Bogleheads.org
2020年2月16日 · My question was about VWITX. Someone here said they link it to checking to have some federally non-taxable income by taking the dividends. 30K most likely wont really be needed as an EM all at once, so I was thinking of using 10,000 to invest in taxable wiith VWITX. (I dont have a taxable at the moment except HYS at Ally).
Vanguard Intermediate Term Tax Exempt (VWITX) - Bogleheads.org
2015年6月16日 · Depending on the PA tax rules, the muni income generated by VWITX within PA might be tax-exempt from PA state tax. The muni income generated from other states is taxable for PA. But you might want to double check the PA state tax rules about this. I briefly googled and found this info for PA: refer highlighted text - which seem to fit VWITX ...
VWITX (Vanguard Intermediate Tax Exempt) Yields
2015年6月16日 · bubbly wrote: Sat Aug 01, 2020 6:21 pm I've been taking an annual review of my portfolio and noticed that the most recent distribution yield of VWITX (Vanguard Tax Exempt Intermediate Term Bond fund) is slightly higher than the …
Vanguard’s NEW Intermediate-Term Muni Bond ETF
2024年1月30日 · The Vanguard Intermediate-Term Tax-Exempt Bond ETF is a stand alone product and is separate and distinct from the Vanguard Intermediate-Term Tax-Exempt Fund (VWITX and VWIUX). Differences in scale, certain investment processes, and underlying holdings are expected to produce different investment returns by the funds.
Vanguard Intermediate-Term Tax-Exempt VWITX makes no sense?
2019年5月2日 · Daily accrual funds. It also helps that VWITX/VWIUX (and VWLTX/VWLUX) is a “daily accrual” fund so exempt from the IRS 6mo holding period requirement to protect TE dividends---making VWITX/VWIUX easy to sell in an emergency (only CGs reporting required). TLH opportunities.