VYZR tech - Protective Personal Equipment
In recent years, the importance of Protective Personal Equipment (PPE) has grown exponentially, particularly during global crises like the COVID-19 pandemic.
This Personal Face Shield Protects You From Airborne Pathogens
2020年5月7日 · Designed to be worn over any outfit, the bubble-shaped BioVYZR features a protective outer layer that shields you from airborne pathogens, allergens, and pollutants, while filtering the air you breathe.
BioVYZR 1.0 - Gold Winner - NEW YORK Design Awards 2020
The biovyzr 1.0 is a personal air purifying shield created by VYZR Technologies for everyday protection against pollutants, allergens & pathogens. Their mission is to take respiratory protection to the next level and bring powered air purifying technology to the people who need it most.
BioVYZR 1.0 空气净化器过滤保护置 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2020年12月24日 · 采用了主动过滤 空气净化技术,让呼吸更加顺畅,空气一进一出双向流动,比佩戴普通口罩更加舒服。 它内置可以一个用锂电池驱动的风扇,能够将孔吸进罩内,并用两个过滤出风口将空气排出,形成双向空气循环。 流入的空气经过N95级别过滤。 可以去除95%的颗粒,从口腔或鼻子排出的带有病毒的滴液也会被过滤器过滤掉,病原体、花粉、PM2.5颗粒、灰尘等也能过滤。 过滤器都装在背面,上面盖有一个一次性无菌盖,用户可以根据使用手册只指示进行 …
Futuristic ‘BioVYZR’ Air Purification Mask Is the Ultimate ... - Maxim
2020年7月16日 · Billed as a “consumer-grade Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) that filters your air and shields your personal space,” the futuristic-looking suit contains a built-in purifying system to...
BioVYZR: Upgrade Your Mask For Powered Air ... - Design You …
A battery-powered motor fan pushes air into the BioVYZR, creating positive pressure inside the BioVYZR’s hood. This positive pressure pushes out exhaled air from inside through two filtering air vents. Inflowing air passes through a N95 filter to remove up to 95% of particulate matter from the inflowing air.
VYZR Technologies 推出極致防護半身面罩 BioVYZR - Hypebeast
2020年6月12日 · 來自加拿大多倫多的個人防護設備品牌 VYZR Technologies 稍早發佈了一款對病原體最具防護性的裝備,歸類在電動空氣淨化呼吸器(PAPR)類別下,BioVYZR 提供了一個極致防護的半身面罩,內置的 N95/N99 空氣淨化系統,可以過濾掉病原體、過敏原和污染物,搭配上透明的面罩,廣角視角讓視線不受限。 BioVYZR 透過 USB 電纜進行充電,每充飽一次可持續運行 8 …
BioVyzr Face Shield Raised Nearly $700,000 on Indiegogo, Enters ...
2020年8月6日 · Toronto-based Vyzr Technologies created the BioVyzr, a shield that covers the wearer's face and protects against droplets and pathogens. With what Vyzr calls a "space-age aesthetic," the...
疫情期间怕坐飞机?看看这个新潮防护装备 - 澎湃新闻
2020年7月16日 · 近日,加拿大一家个人防护用品初创公司推出一款极具太空感的高端防护头盔BioVYZR,旨在为乘飞机旅客提供更时尚且安全的保护。 头盔售价249美元,已售出约5万个。 近日,加拿大一家个人防护用品初创公司推出一款极具太空感的高端防护头盔BioVYZR,旨在为乘飞机旅客提供更时尚且安全的保护。 头盔售价249美元,已售出约5万个。
Hazmat Suits for Air Travel Are Here - Bloomberg.com
2020年7月15日 · Yezin Al-Qaysi says haute hazmats are just the thing to make flying feel safe again. In mid-April the co-founder of VYZR Technologies, a Toronto-based company specializing in personal protective...