Comparison of Fire Radiative Power Estimates From VIIRS and …
2018年4月16日 · The carefully extracted fire clusters, after minimizing the differences in overpass time and VZA between MODIS and VIIRS data, provide FRP comparisons of individual fire events in different ecosystems globally.
A preliminary evaluation of GOES-16 active fire product using …
2020年2月1日 · GOES-16 ABI operationally observes fires across the CONUS every 5 min with a view zenith angle (VZA) of about 29°-72°. The ABI active fire product detects and characterizes actively burning fires mainly based on the 3.9-μm and 11.2-μm bands using a contextual fire detection algorithm that is built on the WildFire Automated Biomass Burning ...
Improvements in high-temporal resolution active fire detection and …
2021年6月1日 · In the FTA algorithm, the active fire detection and FRP characterisation process occurs over three stages and uses as input the full spatial resolution L1b radiance data in all bands, making use of all pixels in the full disk image out to a specified view zenith angle (VZA) threshold towards the disk edge.
Validation of GOES-16 ABI and MSG SEVIRI active fire products
2019年11月1日 · The Fire Radiative Power (FRP-PIXEL) active fire product from the MSG Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infra-Red Imager (SEVIRI) is produced using the Fire Thermal Anomaly (FTA) algorithm, which adopted the fundamentals from the MODIS active fire algorithm but was transformed and applied to the MSG SEVIRI sensor characteristics (Wooster et al ...
Full article: Geostationary active fire products validation: GOES-17 ...
2023年6月6日 · Here we classify FRP-PIXEL active fire pixels as either low (≤50%) or high (>50%) confidence. One key difference currently in the FRP-PIXEL products compared to the FDC product is the smaller (65° versus 80°) view zenith angle (VZA) cut-off.
FIRMS FAQ: Geostationary active fire data - Earthdata Forum - NASA
2024年1月17日 · The spatial resolution of the product at the sub-satellite point is 3-km for the SEVIRI data and 2-km for the AHI and ABI, but the pixel size systematically grows with increasing view zenith angle (VZA) from the sub-satellite point towards the edge of the disk (See above: What is the spatial resolution of the geostationary satellite observations?).
Variations of the minimum (min), mean, and maximum (max) fire …
In contrast to MODIS fire product, the two VIIRS fire products have a global wall-to-wall coverage, limited pixel size variation with view zenith angle (VZA), and generally consistent fire...
Past work has shown that MODIS' AF product characteristics are strongly view zenith angle (VZA) dependent, and since the SLSTR `near nadir' scan actually extends out to a maximum VZA of 55.
Comparison of experiments with and without GOES-16 data show that ingesting high temporal frequency data allows for wildfires to be initiated in the model earlier, leading to improved smoke forecasts during their early phases. Decreasing smoke plume intensity associated with weakening fires was also better forecast. Conclusions.
佳文推荐 | 定量理解日尺度夜间灯光数据的观测角度效应
2022年1月13日 · 三种典型的角度效应中,卫星观测的灯光辐射值与vza的关系(蓝色点代表卫星观测的灯光辐射值,橙色点为轨道合成后的数据) 景观要素的计量分析 :对角度效应驱动因素概念模型进行分析可知,角度效应强度由光源辐射强度和地表景观因素同时决定,而光源 ...