克氏综合征 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
克氏症候群(英語: Klinefelter's syndrome )或称XXY、47XXY症候群,俗称次雄性症候群,是由於男性有两条或两条以上的X染色体所致的疾病。 该疾病的主要特徵為 不育 [ 1 ] 。
Klinefelter syndrome - Wikipedia
Klinefelter syndrome (KS), also known as 47,XXY, is a chromosome anomaly where a male has an extra X chromosome. [10] These complications commonly include infertility and small, poorly functioning testicles (if present).
“XXY” or “XYY”:带你走进真实的“第三性别”群体 - 知乎
除了正常的XX和XY,性染色体也有可能表现为 XYY、XXY、XXX、X 或 XXYY 等各种核型。 少了条X染色体的女性,称为 Turner综合征,核型为(45,XO)。 X染色体缺失或异常,将会引起单倍剂量不足,导致性腺不发育。 患者身材矮小,身高一般不超过150厘米。 因性腺发育不全,患者第二性征亦发育不良,外生殖器为女性幼稚型,闭经、不孕。 而Klinefelter综合征,则多了一条X(或多条X)的男性,一般核型为(47,XXY)。 在医学上,这也称为“ 先天性睾丸发育不全综合 …
染色体病科普之克氏综合征(47,XXY) - 知乎专栏
由于克氏综合征患者(47,XXY)比正常的男性(46,XY)多了一条X染色体,是一种先天性疾病,曾经被大多数医生认为没有治疗价值,不可能获得自己的亲生孩子,然而,随着显微取精手术的出现,这种观点发生了翻天覆地的改变。 如果克氏征患者通过显微取精手术能够取得精子,那么就有可能通过 辅助生殖技术 生育自己的孩子。 另外,部分克氏综合征的患者在青春期早期是会自行排精的,如能早期确认克氏综合征,对这部分患者采取自精冻存,对将来的生育是一道强有力 …
Klinefelter Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment - WebMD
Oct 28, 2024 · Klinefelter syndrome is a genetic condition in which a boy is born with an extra X chromosome. Instead of the typical XY chromosomes in men, they have XXY, so this condition is also...
13 Famous People with Klinefelter Syndrome or Marfan Syndrome
Nov 8, 2023 · Klinefelter syndrome (47, XXY) is a condition that occurs in men who have an extra X chromosome, resulting in an XXY sex chromosome karyotype. The syndrome can affect different stages of language, physical, and social development. It is estimated that 3,000 affected boys are born each year in the US. Symptoms
Klinefelter Syndrome (for Parents) | Nemours KidsHealth
Many boys with Klinefelter syndrome — also known as XXY syndrome — have no signs or symptoms, and some don't even know they have it until later in life. The XXY condition that causes Klinefelter syndrome can't be changed, but medical treatment and working with therapists can help a boy's development and lessen the condition's effects.
一位克氏综合症病人的亲身经历 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
若在减数分裂中精母与卵母细胞的性染色体未分离,受精后形成的合子就会有额外的x染色体,形成xxy,此额外的x染色体,可来自卵子或精子。 此外受精卵在卵裂过程中X不分离,也可出现额外的X染色体。
Klinefelter Q & A - Living with XXY Non-Profit
Klinefelter syndrome is a genetic condition in boys and men who have an extra X chromosome. What are other common names? Klinefelter’s, 47,XXY, XXY, XXY syndrome, and KS are all different names for Klinefelter syndrome. Klinefelter syndrome is part of a bigger group of genetic conditions called sex chromosome aneuploidies (SCAs).
先天性曲细精管发育不全综合征 - 百度百科
本病特点为患者有 类无睾 身材、 男性乳房发育 、小睾丸、 无精子 及尿中 促性腺激素 增高等。 本病患者性染色体为47, XXY,即比正常男性多了1条X染色体。 因此,本病又称为47,XXY综合征。 先天性曲细精管发育不全综合征的病因是由于父母的 生殖细胞 在 减数分裂 形成精子和卵子的过程中, 性染色体 发生不 分离现象 所致。 卵细胞 在成熟分裂过程中,性染色体 不分离,形成含有两个X的卵子,这种卵子若与Y精子相结合即形成47, XXY 受精卵。 如果生精细胞在成熟 …
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