Monitor Audio Anthra W15 評測:速度最快、音樂與電影表現最全 …
2024年8月6日 · Anthra W15雖貴為旗艦、價格卻不算貴,就硬體條件來看確實與兩款下位機種有明確的差別,以單體尺寸來說,W10、W12與W15長衝程超低音單體依序為10、12與15吋,內建D類功放電路在使用120V交流電的條件下額定功率輸出為390瓦、700瓦與1400瓦(峰值功率依序 …
Monitor Audio Anthra Subwoofer Series: A Powerful …
2023年7月17日 · Comprising three models, the Anthra Series features the W15, W12, and W10 subwoofers, each designed to cater to specific system requirements and performance preferences. One of the standout...
Monitor Audio Anthra subwoofers - Audio Science Review (ASR) …
2019年1月1日 · New line of sealed subwoofers coming in 10", 12" and 15", class D amps, Bluetooth app with PEQ (like SVS), but with XLR inputs in all sizes. Anthra W10: £1,650 / €2,150 / $2,350 (USD) Anthra W12: £1,900 / €2,450 / $2,700 (USD) Anthra W15: £2,500 / …
Subwoofer Line with Power and Control - HiFi BLOG
2023年7月17日 · The Monitor Anthra W12 features a 12-inch driver driven by a 900-watt Class D power amplifier, while the smallest subwoofer in the series, the Monitor Audio Anthra W10, fires a 10-inch driver with 425 watts from its Class D power amplifier.
Anthra Subwoofer Series - Monitor Audio
W15 is the most formidable subwoofer in the Anthra range and is ideal for large home cinema systems that require precise, musical and deep bass. Discover. Impeccable build quality, intuitive controls and a user-friendly app round out an exceptional package.
Monitor Audio reveals new Anthra Subwoofer Series line-up
2023年7月17日 · Running Class D amplifiers, the W10, W12, and W15 have a continuous output of 425W, 900W, and 1,400W RMS respectively, with peaks up to 500W, 1,700W and 2,500W. This means you can pump up the volume and all three subs should still enable “an extremely accurate and clean dynamic range and musical performance.”
Monitor Audio's new subwoofers promise to bring musicality to …
2023年7月17日 · The Anthra W15 is the largest, with a 15-inch driver and 1400-Watt amplifier. The W12 steps these stats down to 12 inches and 900 Watts, while the W10 takes this to 10 inches and 425 Watts.
Monitor Audio Anthra W15 Audiophile Subwoofer Reviewed
2024年6月26日 · For music lovers, Monitor Audio recently released its flagship Anthra series of large subwoofers: model W10 with a 10-inch driver, W12 with a 12-inch driver, and the subject …
艾迪宝的WOVEN10和15有什么区别啊?我朋友刚刚从淘宝商城买 …
2011年11月4日 · W10与W15都具有最高30LBS拉力,中管硬 不同点在于,W10是4U,呈90度编织,平衡点在中间,全面型球拍,盒型截面,减震前套,属于打快球,灵活性好等,跟李宁2代一样,价格就有很大的优势。
Windows 11 vs Windows 10 應用程式、遊戲效能比較完整實測, …
近日外媒 TECHSPOT 公佈多張 Windows 11 vs Windows 10 應用程式與遊戲效能的報告,這份內容非常的長,這邊就僅擷取幾個重點,測試平台如下: