W200x46 Dimensions
The steel beam dimensions for the W200x46 section can be seen in the table. The depth of the section is 203 mm. The width of the section is 203 mm. The W200x46 section has an area of …
American Wide Flange Steel Beams: Dimensions and Properties …
Properties of American Wide Flange Beams according ASTM A6 in metric units are indicated below. For full table with Static Parameters - Moment of Inertia and Elastic Section Modulus - …
US - W 200x46.1 - sections.app
Beam Calculators for W200x46.1 DISCLAIMER All results and information presented here must be verified for accuracy, suitability, and applicability by a qualified engineering professional. …
W 200x200x46.1 | ASTM A 6/A 6M | British Steel | Cross-Section
The stand - alone program SHAPE-MASSIVE determines section properties of any thick - walled cross - section and calculates the stresses. In addition, you can perform reinforced concrete …
W Shapes - American wide flange beams - CAD Steel North …
Here you'll find all American Wide Flange Beam shapes described by the AISC Steel shapes database (V14.1). Sort the table below according to any property and select a CAD file to …
American Wide Flange Steel Beams (W-Beams) - Dimensions and …
Dimensions, weight, section properties, and essential data of American wide flange steel beams (W-beams) according to the ASTM A6 standard. W-beams - wide flange beams - are stout, …
Viga H Laminada ASTM A572 - W 200 mm x 46,1 kg/m - Gravia
A Viga H Laminada ASTM A572 é um componente que possui distância menor entre as abas, fazendo com que a alma da viga seja mais espessa. A precisão milimétrica do produto …
An extensive range of fixing designed to secure secondary steel work and building services equipment, such as cable trays, pipework, strengthening steel work to primary steelwork …
Viga W200 x 46,1 x 12M – Exerone
Viga de acero laminado W200x46,1 (WF8x31) de 12M de largo y peso lineal 46,1 kg/m. Viga de acero al carbono laminado en caliente para uso estructural, con calidad de acero ASTM A36 y …
w8x8" w8x31 31.0 w200x200 w200x46.1 46.1 w8x8" w8x35 35.0 w200x200 w200x52 52.0 w8x8" w8x40 40.0 w200x200 w200x59 59.0 w8x8" w8x48 48.0 w200x200 w200x71 71.0 w8x8" …