Mercedes-Benz C-Class (W203) - Wikipedia
The Mercedes-Benz C-Class (W203) is the internal designation for a range of compact executive cars manufactured and marketed by DaimlerChrysler from 1999 to 2010, as the second …
平民速度機器:W203 C32 AMG 平民購買中古性能車養車心路歷程, …
接著來分享五年之間的養車心得 *保有五年c32,客家維修成本約60萬不含消耗品,維修標準為無漏油無異音全系統功能正常無故障燈* 1.維修 這是從190e後開始更電子化的車款,電系維修很麻煩, …
Mercedes Benz W203 Class C 32 AMG Specs - Ultimate Specs
Explore the Mercedes Benz W203 Class C 32 AMG 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 detailed specs, including 0-60 mph times, horsepower, and handling data. Get all the Info.
W203 動力三級跳3724c.c.爆500匹馬力 - CARNEWS
2010年7月12日 · 修改普利盤尺寸可提高增壓值的做法,已經無法滿足C32 AMG的車主了,所以此部C32KT透過現今非常流行的改法:擴缸3.8L來提昇動力,流用W220 S350後期3.7L的汽缸 …
家族中的后起之秀 奔驰C级21年历史回顾 - 汽车之家
2014年7月23日 · C32 AMG搭载代号M112E32的3.2升V6机械增压发动机,最大功率354马力(260kW)/6100rpm,最大扭矩450N·m/4400rpm,配备5G-Tronic自动变速箱,其0 …
Buyers Guide – W202/W203 C-Class AMGs • 1995-2006
The AMG-built V-8 engine from the CLK55 AMG, a coupe and cabriolet model built on the W202 C-Class chassis using some E-Class suspension parts, replaced the V-6 of the C32, upping …
Mercedes-Benz C32 AMG - W203 Market - CLASSIC.COM
The Mercedes-Benz C32 AMG was a high performance variant of the W203 C-Class that was introduced for the 2002 model year. The C 32 AMG was mostly sold as a sedan, although …
2001 Mercedes-Benz C-class (W203) AMG C 32 V6 (354 Hp) …
Mercedes-Benz C-class (W203) AMG C 32 V6 (354 Hp) Automatic Sedan 2001 2002 2003 2004 | Technical Specs, Fuel consumption, Dimensions, 354 Hp, 250 km/h, 155.34 mph, 0-100 km/h: …
MERCEDES BENZ C-Klasse AMG (W203) Specs & Photos - autoevolution
As the second generation of the C-Class was launched, the C32 AMG version was launched. It was a direct threat to the BMW M3, but it was faster and it was available into three bodyworks: …
Mercedes-Benz C 32 AMG (W203) 354 PS (2001-›2004) technical …
Mercedes C (W203) 32 AMG 354 PS Technical Data Sheet: specifications & performance figures (top speed, acceleration, quarter mile, 0 to 100 mph, standing start, recovery, braking, lap …