Expert Advice on Using W21x50 Steel I-Beams for Bridge
Customer: I would like you use W21x50 steel I-beams for a bridge over a stream. There will be concrete abutments at each ends. There will be concrete abutments at each ends. The length …
I am building a bridge with a 60' span. The stringers will
The stringers will be spaced 7' apart o.c. I am using 2 W21X50 wide flange beams for stringers. I am going to put 3"x3"x3/8" cross bracing every 15'. Do I need horizontal bracing between the …
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Expert Q&A on W21x50 Composite Beams Strength Calculations
Notes of calculations of composite beams strength. Disclaimer: Information in questions, answers, and other posts on this site ("Posts") comes from individual users, not JustAnswer; …
Expert Answers on W18x50 and W21x50 Steel Beam Dimensions
Customer: I have a 35 foot span, huge concrete abutments, four W18x50 beams @ 48" OC for 12 foot width, 6"x12"x14' treated decking nailed to 4"x8" treated runners bolted to I beam top …
I'm building a 47' walking bridge over a shallow creek in my yard. I ...
Using three beams - if you can provide lateral bracing of the beams (this can be accomplished with a perpendicular beam or X-bracing) at 15' o.c., you can plan on W21x50 ASTM A92 Gr. …
I need to build a pedestrian bridge 52 feet wanted to use
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can a 44' PARALLAM BEAM SUPPORT a ROOF 14" X 5 1/4
The size of the steel beam itself is a W21x50 beam and the steel grade is ASTM A992 Gr. 50 Customer Is it possible to get a drawing showing the beam and the supports? 106" from …
I have 3 car residential garage with habitable space below…
2012年4月17日 · I am building a bridge with a 60' span. The stringers will be spaced 7' apart o.c. I am using 2 W21X50 wide flange beams for stringers. I am going to put 3"x3"x3/8" cross …
I want to know if the following composite steel beam is as strong …
I’d like to point out that a Professional Engineer’s standard of care typically includes a site visit to assess field conditions and get an overall understanding of the structure.