W6x15 Dimensions
The steel beam dimensions for the W6x15 section can be seen in the table. The depth of the section is 5.99 in. The width of the section is 5.99 in. The W6x15 section has an area of 4.43in 2. The below table outlines the W6x15 section properties including the torsion constant as well as moment of inertia and plastic modulus properties.
American Wide Flange Steel Beams (W-Beams): Dimensions and …
W-beams - wide flange beams - are stout, sturdy beams with wide flanges positioned perpendicularly to the web of the material giving them their characteristic shape and distinguishing them from I-beams. Properties in imperial units of American Wide Flange Beams according ASTM A6 are indicated below.
W 6x15 | AISC 14 | Cross-Section Properties & Analysis - Dlubal
The stand - alone program SHAPE-MASSIVE determines section properties of any thick - walled cross - section and calculates the stresses. In addition, you can perform reinforced concrete design according to Eurocode 2 and other standards.
W6x15 Beam Specifications - EngineerExcel
W6x15 is a rolled structural beam with wide flanges that is used in construction and other applications. The dimensions and specifications of this structural steel beam are below: Advance in Excel with engineering-focused training that equips you with the skills to streamline projects and accelerate your career.
美标H型钢W6X15的规格明细 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2024年3月28日 · 美标H型钢W6X15以其精确的规格尺寸和高强度特性,在建筑、桥梁、机械制造等领域得到了广泛应用。 在选择和使用时,请务必根据具体的工程要求和设计规范来确定合适的型号和规格。 标H型钢W6X15的规格明细如下:这种H型钢的截面形状呈“H”型,其截面尺寸为152x152毫米,表示其高度和翼缘宽度均为152毫米。 腹板厚度和翼缘厚度则分别为5.8毫米和6.6毫米。 这种规格使得W6X15 H型钢在承受载荷时具…
W6X15 Dimensions and Section Properties - calcs.app
Dimensions and structural sectional properties for a W6X15 standard steel section. Includes width, depth, thickness, moment of inertia, section modulus, plastic modulus, and weight.
美国型钢换算表 - 百度文库
面积 型号 w4x13 w5x16 w5x19 w6x9 w6x12 w6x15 w6x16 w6x20 w6x25 w8x10 w8x13 w8x15 w8x18 w8x21 w8x24 w8x28 w8x31 w8x35 w8x40 w8x48 w8x58 w8x67 w10x12 w10x15 w10x17 w10x19 w10x22 w10x26 ax(mm) 2470.9628 3019.3488 3574.1864 1729.0288 2290.318 2858.0588 3058.0584 3787.0892 4735.4744 1909.6736 2477.4144 2864.5104 3393.5416 3974.1856 4567.7328 ...
美标H型钢W系列尺寸详情及钢号标准 - 百家号
2024年5月8日 · 这个系列提供了多样化的尺寸选择以适应不同的工程项目需求,小尺寸如 W6x15,大可达 W24x123及以上。 为了确保安全性和耐用性,选用正确的钢号很重要。
美国型钢表 - 豆丁网
2014年8月8日 · w6x15 2858.0588 152 152 7 6 0.22 . w6x16 3058.0584 160 102 10 7 0.24 . w6x20 3787.0892 157 153 9 7 0.30 . w6x25 4735.4744 162 154 12 8 0.37 . w8x10 1909.6736 200 100 5 4 0.15 . w8x13 2477.4144 203 102 7 6 0.19 . w8x15 2864.5104 206 102 8 6 0.22 . w8x18 3393.5416 207 133 8 6 0.27 . w8x21 3974.1856 210 134 10 6 0.31
美标H型钢W型号有哪些 - 百家号
2024年6月8日 · W6x15、W6x16、W6x20等其他型号也在使用,但具体尺寸和重量未在参考文章中明确给出。 W8x系列: W8x10:尺寸为200×100×4.3×5.2米,重量为15kg。
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