W76 - Wikipedia
The W76 is an American thermonuclear warhead, designed for use on the UGM-96 Trident I submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) and subsequently moved to the UGM-133 Trident II as Trident I was phased out of service.
The W76 Warhead - Nuclear Weapon Archive
2007年1月9日 · The W76 is the warhead used with the Mk 4 reentry vehicle which arms Trident II (D-5) submarine launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs). Designed for use on MIRV (multiple independently targeted reentry vehicle) bus upper stage.
The W76-1 is a refurbished W76-0 warhead used on submarine launched ballistic missiles. The W76-0 was introduced into the stockpile for the Navy in 1978. The W76-1 Life Extension Program extended the originally designed warhead service life of 20 years to 60 years. The W76-1 meets all missions and capabilities of the
2024年12月23日 · The W76-2 “low-yield” Trident warhead is dangerous, unjustified, and redundant. Background: The W76-2 nuclear warhead is a “low-yield” warhead called for by the first Trump administration's 2018 Nuclear Posture Review.
W76-2 Nuclear Weapon | A New U.S. Nuclear Weapon Goes to Sea
2020年1月30日 · The W76-2 is a small, tactical nuclear warhead designed to counter enemy tactical nuclear weapons. The warhead is actually derived from the existing W76 warhead, each of which...
2020年1月10日 · Unclassified sources state that the current W76-1 warhead has an explosive yield of around 100 kilotons. The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) has said the low-yield version, the W76-2, would be configured “for primary-only detonation.” This could mean a yield of less than 10 kilotons.
2019年12月13日 · Background: The W76-2 nuclear warhead is a new “low-yield” warhead called for by the Trump administration's 2018 Nuclear Posture Review. It will be mounted on the Trident II D5 ballistic missile, which is deployed on OHIO Class “Trident” ballistic missile submarines.
W76-0/Mk4 / W76-1/Mk4A - GlobalSecurity.org
The W76-1 is a refurbished W76-0 warhead, which is a submarine-launched ballistic missile system first introduced into the stockpile for the U.S. Navy in 1978. This LEP has strengthened the...
Statement on the Fielding of the W76-2 Low-Yield Submarine …
2020年2月4日 · The U.S. Navy has fielded the W76-2 low-yield submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) warhead.
W76 - Military Wiki | Fandom
The W76 is a United States thermonuclear warhead, designed for use on the UGM-96 Trident I sea-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) and subsequently moved to the UGM-133 Trident II as Trident I was phased out of service.
2019年2月13日 · The W76-1 is a refurbished W76-0 warhead, which is a submarine-launched ballistic missile system that was first introduced into the stockpile for the Navy in 1978. The W76-1 Life Extension Program extends the originally designed …
DOE AND NNSA Celebrate W76-1 Life Extension Program
2019年1月23日 · The W76-1 is a refurbished W76-0 warhead, which is a submarine-launched ballistic missile system first introduced into the stockpile for the U.S. Navy in 1978. This LEP has strengthened the safety and security of the United States by extending the warhead’s service life from 20 years to 60 years.
US completes W76-1 nuclear warhead Life Extension Program
2019年1月24日 · The W76-1 is a refurbished W76-0 warhead, which is placed on the re-entry vehicle for the submarine-launched Trident II D5 ballistic missile. This LEP has strengthened the safety and security of the United States by extending …
W76-1 Life Extension Program (Maintaining the Stockpile)
2019年1月1日 · The W76-1 is a refurbished W76-0 warhead, which is a submarine-launched ballistic missile system that was first introduced into the stockpile for the Navy in 1978. The W76-1 Life Extension Program extends the originally designed …
2009年12月4日 · W76-1 Life Extension Program milestone a Labs-wide accomplishment In late September, when Labs Director Tom Hunter signed the W76-1 Final Weapon Development Report, it represented Sandia’s certification of the US Navy’s strategic warhead. Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Director Michael Anastasio also signed the
Bombs in the Backyard - Brookings
The U.S. Nuclear Weapons Cost Study Project was completed in August 1998 and resulted in the book Atomic Audit: The Costs and Consequences of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Since 1940 edited by Stephen I ...
The State Highway Log is divided into 7 separate data files; 1 comprehensive log and 6 regional logs. Each of these 7 files, once opened, contain indexing for highways listed in the
Maps Catalog - Weather Underground
Composite National Current Weather Map. Analysis of current conditions and fronts at ground level. The Surface Analysis map shows current weather conditions.
2021年1月5日 · The Trump Administration developed a new low-yield version of the W-76 warhead for existing submarine-launched Trident II (D-5) missiles. Unclassified sources state that the existing W76-1 warhead has an explosive yield of around 100 kilotons.
Full text of "Underground Cities And Bases" - Archive.org
GEORGIA GEORGIA * Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base/Strategic Weapons Facility Atlantic Kings Bay 16,000 (1,600 W76/Trident I warheads; 400 W88/Trident II warheads; 160 W80-0/Sea-Launched Cruise Missiles) Robins AFB Warner Robins 8,800 Ft. Benning - Located east of Columbus near Alabama state line.