W Shapes - American wide flange beams - CAD Steel North …
Here you'll find all American Wide Flange Beam shapes described by the AISC Steel shapes database (V14.1). Sort the table below according to any property and select a CAD file to download using the reference links in the left-most column.
Wide Flange Beam Dimensions Chart for sizes, dimensions and section properties of steel wide flange beams. Wide flange beams are designated by the letter W followed by the nominal depth in inches and the weight in pounds per foot. Thus W12 × 19 designates a wide flange beam with a depth of 12 inches and a nominal weight of 19 pounds per foot.
Wide Flange Beams - Misc Shapes - Willbanks Metals
We've put together an extensive breakdown of wide flange beams and miscellaneous shapes exact specifications for your convenience. Contact us for more info.
美标H型钢规格尺寸及国标对比 - 百度文库
200×100 200×135 200×165 w8 200×200 250×100 w10 250×145 250×200 w4×13 w5×16 w5×19 w6×8.5 w6×9 w6×12 w6×16 w6×15 w6×20 w6×25 w8×10 w8×13 w8×15 w8×18 w8×21 w8×24 w8×28 w8×31 w8×35 w8×40 w8×48 w8×58 w8×67 w10×12 w10×15 w10×17 w10×19 w10×22 w10×26 w10×30 w10×33 w10×39 6 29.8 150*150 6 37.1 — 8 15.0 8 19.3 200 ...
W Steel Beams - Allowable Uniform Loads - The Engineering ToolBox
W Steel Beams - Uniform Loads; Designation (Width x lbs/ft) Nominal Size - Depth x Width (inches x inches) Allowable Uniform Load (lb) ; Span (ft); 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26; W8×10: 8 x 4: 15600: 12500: 10400
16 41⁄ 2 15⁄ 16 9⁄ 16 W 8x10 2.96 7.89 77⁄ 8 0.170 3⁄ 16 1⁄ 8 3.940 4 0.205 3⁄ 16 61⁄ 2 11⁄ 16 1⁄ 2 x13 3.84 7.99 8 0.230 1⁄ 4 1⁄ 8 4.000 4 0.255 1⁄ 4 61⁄ 2 3⁄ 4 9⁄ 16 x15 4.44 8.11 81⁄ 8 0.245 1⁄ 4 1⁄ 8 4.015 4 0.315 5⁄ 16 61⁄ 2 13⁄ 16 9⁄ 16
2018年6月5日 · w8 x 40 (w200 x 59) 81/16 (205) .560 (14.2) w8 x 48 (w200 x 71) 8 1/8 (206) .685 (17.4) w8 x 58 (w200 x 86) 81/4 (210) .810 (20.6) w8 x 67 (w200 x 100) 8 1/4 (210) .935 (23.7) w10 x 12 (w250 x 17.9) 4 (102) .210 (5.3) w10 x 15 (w250 x 22.3) 4 (102) .270 (6.9) w10 x 17 (w250 x 25.3) 4 (102) .330 (8.4) ...
W系列美标H型钢全系列规格尺寸表 - 百度文库
美标H型钢是一种截面面积分配更加优化、强重比更加合理的经济断面高效型材,因其断面与英文字母“H”相同而得名。 由于H型钢的各个部位均以直角排布,因此H型钢在各个方向上都具有抗弯能力强、施工简单、节约成本和结构重量轻等优点,已被广泛应用。 这是为接下来的处理做准备。 类似退火,只是为了提高效率,降低成本。
John Deere AT310291 Rim, W8 X 16 | RDO Equipment Co.
John Deere rims provide a stable base for tires, enhancing the stability of the equipment and improving traction on various terrains. Versatile Applications: Suitable for a wide range of equipment and environments, this rim is versatile and adaptable to different needs and operating conditions. Will this fit my John Deere?
W360x250x91+ 91,0 W14x10x61 61 353 254 9,5 16,4 15 115,7 320,2 290,2 M27 90 164 1677 18,47 W360x250x101+ 101 W14x10x68 68 357 255 10,5 18,3 15 128,9 320,4 290,4 M27 91 165 1687 16,67 W360x250x110+ 110 W14x10x74 74 360 256 11,4 19,9 15 140,3 320,2 290,2 M27 91 166 1695 15,39 ...