W-9 vs W-8: What’s the Difference Between W9 and W8 Tax ID …
2019年3月5日 · Contrary to the intricacies of W-8 forms, W-9 forms are straightforward; they are used to provide a company’s federal Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) to an entity that makes taxable payments to said company.
W-9 vs. W-8: What Are They, and What’s the Difference?
2025年2月10日 · Form W-9 is used by US persons to provide their tax identification number (TIN). W-8 forms are used by foreign individuals and entities to claim tax treaty benefits and to establish the payee’s foreign status for withholding purposes.
Tax Forms W-8 vs. W-9: Differences and When to Use - SmartAsset
Form W-8 and Form W-9 play distinct roles for taxpayers based on their residency status and tax obligations.
美国税务合规必备:深度解析W-8与W-9表格 - ingstart-全球公司 …
2024年11月27日 · W-8表格是美国税务局(IRS)为外国纳税人设计的一系列表格,主要用于确认纳税人的非美国身份,以及主张减免美国相关税项。 这些表格有助于美国税务机构识别外国纳税人的收入来源,确保税务处理的准确性和合规性。 2. W-8表格的种类及适用对象. W-8BEN: 适用于在美国取得收入且可以主张减免所得税征收税率的非美国个人。 这类个人通常包括外籍人士、留学生等,他们可能因为持有美国银行账户、美股账户或在美有收入性质的业务而需要填写此表格 …
W9 vs. W8 Forms: What’s the Difference? | Rippling
2024年11月14日 · The differences between W8 and W9 forms. Learn about the key differences between W8 and W9 forms below: Purpose. W9: Helps US contractors calculate and pay their self-employment taxes; W8: Proves tax status of non-US residents who work with US businesses, enabling them to claim exemptions for certain withholdings and calculate their tax ...
What is the Difference Between W-9 vs W-8 Forms? - Papaya Global
2023年1月1日 · While the W-9 is pretty straightforward, the W-8 is a bit more complicated. If you work with any non-US citizens or US citizens based outside of the US, you’ll need the W-8, so let’s break it down. W-8 forms are for non-US tax residents to prove their foreign status so they don’t need to contribute as much federal income tax to the IRS.
W-8 vs. W-9 Forms: What’s the Difference? | Safeguard Global
The main difference between a W-8 vs. W-9 form identifies whether the payee is a citizen, resident, or foreigner for income tax purposes. Filling out the appropriate W-8 or W-9 forms identifies each payee relationship to your company and …
美国W-8及W-9表格介绍|谁需要填写W-8表格 - Kaizen CPA
2023年9月28日 · W-8表格通常用于确认作为收款人的外国人预扣所得税的身份。 而W-9表格则用于索取美国纳税人识别号,用于付款方申报其已付金额。 本文将详细讨论这两种类型表格。 W-8系列表格是专门针对在美国工作或赚取收入的非居民外国人和外国企业的税务表格。 美国公民和居民外国人无需填写W-8表格。 W-8表格用于证明您的外国人身份,并告知付款方或预扣代理人您的税率与居民的税率不同。 通常来说,外国人通常需对从美国获得的收入缴纳30%的预提税,收 …
Form W-8 vs W-9 - Guide 2025 - taxesforexpats
2025年2月27日 · Among the most commonly encountered yet misunderstood forms are the W-8 and W-9. These forms play a crucial role in tax compliance for both US and non-US taxpayers. In this guide, we'll dissect the W-8 vs. W-9 puzzle, providing you with an in-depth understanding of their purposes, differences, and the appropriate scenarios for each.
W-9 vs. W-8: What They Are, When to Use Them, and Tips
2024年6月3日 · Both W-9 and W-8 forms are used for tax identification and reporting, but they cater to different groups and purposes: Form W-9: This form is used by U.S. persons (including citizens and resident aliens) to provide their taxpayer identification number (TIN) to entities that need to report income paid to them.