W86 - Wikipedia
The W86 was an American earth-penetrating ("bunker buster") nuclear warhead, intended for use on the Pershing II intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM). The W86 design was canceled in September 1980 when the Pershing II missile mission shifted from destroying hardened targets to targeting soft targets at greater range.
W86 (核彈頭) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
W86是美國的一款透地核彈頭(英語: earth-penetrating nuclear warhead) (參見: 掩體核炸彈 ( 英语 : Nuclear bunker buster ) ,英語: Nuclear bunker buster),用於潘興II中程彈道導彈。在1980年9月因當潘興II從摧毀 加固目標 ( 英语 : Target hardening ) ,改為瞄準更遠的軟目標,W86的 ...
W86 (核弹头) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
2022年5月4日 · W86是美国的一款透地核弹头 (英语: earth-penetrating nuclear warhead) (参见: 掩体核炸弹 (英语:Nuclear bunker buster),英语: Nuclear bunker buster),用于潘兴II 中程弹道导弹。 在1980年9月因当 潘兴II 从摧毁 加固目标 (英语:Target hardening),改为瞄准更远的软目标,W86的设计被取消。 W85 和W86核弹头为同时研发,W85全部用于生产潘兴II导弹。 [1] W86的透地外壳研发工作在1975年于 桑迪亚国家实验室 开始。 W86的目标是在当量较小的情 …
W86 (核彈頭) - Wikiwand
W86是美国的一款透地核弹头(英语: earth-penetrating nuclear warhead),用于潘兴II中程弹道导弹。 在1980年9月因当潘兴II从摧毁加固目标,改为瞄准更远的软目标,W86的设计被取消。
Casio W-86 Review |The True Successor To The Legendary Casio F …
2022年1月26日 · Both pieces share a similar quad-screwed steel case back, though the W-86 boasts an improved water resistance rating of 5bar, as opposed to the 3bar splash resistance offered by its predecessor.
The W86 Earth Penetrating Warhead - Super Octopus
2022年3月21日 · This other warhead was the W86 Earth Penetrating Warhead, designed to destroy bunkers and command posts, and to crater aircraft runways. There were very few details on this system until recently. So, without adieu the W86’s specification were:
W86 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The W86 was an American thermonuclear warhead with earth-penetrating characteristics (a nuclear bunker buster), intended for use on the Pershing II IRBM missile. The W86 design was canceled in September 1980 when the Pershing II missile mission shifted from destroying hardened targets to...
W-86-1VQES - Casio
This CASIO watch features a digital display, a stopwatch and a microlight for optimal visibility. The watch is housed in a durable resin case. Suitable for sporting activities as it is 50M water resistant and everyday wear. Try these instead... It's unlikely that we will restock this model in the future.
W86 - Wikiwand
The W86 was an American earth-penetrating nuclear warhead, intended for use on the Pershing II intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM). The W86 design was canceled in September 1980 when the Pershing II missile mission shifted from destroying hardened targets to targeting soft targets at greater range.
W86式120毫米迫击炮 - 百度百科
W86式120毫米迫击炮从身管到弹药都进行了全新设计,该炮全重206公斤,与64式相比,重量虽增加了18%,但射程却增加了36%,达到7.7公里,威力明显增加,提高了团属炮兵的压制火力强度。 W86式120毫米迫击炮1986年设计定型并投入小批量生产,该炮是一种团属火炮,用于取代70年代前生产和装备的120毫米迫击炮。 该炮采用套筒式缓冲机、自锁高低机、胀胎式击针机构、带扭杆缓冲器的轻便炮车以及全新的弹药系统。
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