QJZ-89重机枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
89式重机枪 (QJZ-89重机枪),是 中华人民共和国 研製的12.7毫米口径 重机枪,该枪是 中国人民解放军 现役步兵分队远层火力支援的主要武器。 總重量轻於世界主流重機槍為主要特色 [1],有利于部队提高机动性与灵活性,但在长期使用后射击精度会出现下降 [2]。 89式重机枪的设计目标是以平射为主,用以杀伤敌集群目标、压制轻型火力点、毁伤轻型装甲目标,只是赋予其在必要时能充当高射机枪的辅助功能,能对武装直升机等低空目标进行射击。 由于89式12.7mm重机枪 …
89式重机枪是解放军现役步兵分队远程 火力支援 的主要武器。 该枪以26.2千克的全重,成为世界上最轻的现役12.7mm重机枪。 这样轻的重机枪装备部队有效提高了部队的机动性和灵活性。 12.7mm大口径重机枪 [1] 在诞生时的初衷是为了对付第一次世界大战时期的装甲坦克的,但很快就被发现也可用于对付低空飞行的航空器,所以这一类口径的重机枪也经常用作高射机枪。 随着飞机越飞越高、越飞越快,坦克和装甲车辆的防护性能也越来越高,现代的大口径重机枪越来越多 …
QJZ89 式重机枪 - 枪炮世界
QJZ89式重机枪是一种重量较轻的12.7mm大口径机枪,89式重机枪的设计目标是以平射为主,用以杀伤敌集群目标、压制轻型火力点、毁伤轻型装甲目标,只是赋予其在必要时能充当高射机枪的辅助功能,能对武装直升机等低空目标进行射击。 由于89式12.7mm重机枪重量轻、便于机动,因此可以装备到营、连级,增强这些部队的压制火力。 89式重机枪采用了管退与导气式混合的自动方式,采用这种混合自动方式的目的一方面是为了减小枪身的后坐冲击力,一方面也是为了减轻 …
QJZ-89 - Wikipedia
The QJZ-89, also known as the Type 89 heavy machine gun, is a heavy machine gun designed in the People's Republic of China which fires the Soviet 12.7×108mm ammunition. [1] In the early 1980s, Chinese firearms designers had received scattered information from Soviet publications regarding the Soviet Union 's adoption of the NSV machine gun.
NORINCO QJZ-89 (Type 89) Heavy Machine Gun (HMG) - Military Factory
2024年8月13日 · The NORINCO QJZ-89 (Type 89) is a gas-and-recoil-operated Heavy Machine Gun (HMG) operated in considerable numbers by the fighting forces of China. The design is used aboard rotorcraft, on unarmored and armored vehicles, and across the various warships available to the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) service.
枪械科普:89式 - 哔哩哔哩
89式重机枪(QJZ-89重机枪),是中华人民共和国研发的12.7毫米口径重机枪,该枪是中国人民解放军现役步兵分队远层火力支援的主要武器。 该枪以重量轻为主要优势,有利于部队提高机动性与灵活性,但在长期使用后射击精度会出现下降。 89式重机枪的设计目标是以平射为主,用以杀伤敌集群目标、压制轻型火力点、毁伤轻型装甲目标,只是赋予其在必要时能充当高射机枪的辅助功能,能对武装直升机等低空目标进行射击。 由于89式12.7mm重机枪重量轻、便于机动,因此可 …
解析我国12.7毫米重机枪——QJZ89式 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2022年1月16日 · QJZ89式重机枪是我国第一款以平射为主、高射为辅的大口径重机枪,故而命名为“重机枪”而非“高射机枪”。 其战术任务是压制1500米的敌集群目标、火力点、轻型装甲车等,必要的时候客串高射机枪,打击低空目标。 QJZ89式重机枪全枪结构简单紧凑,分解结合较为方便,勤务使用便捷。 整体而言,该枪由枪身、三脚架、弹链、弹药箱和附件组成。 与此前的重机枪不同,QJZ89式重机枪采用了类似通用机枪的抵肩射击方式,可用于不同场合。 QJZ89式重 …
科普解放军89式重机枪:中国制造 全球最轻 - 百家号
2017年4月5日 · 今天我们就来聊聊89式重机枪,另外这枪号称全球同类最轻便的12.7重机枪。 12.7mm大口径重机枪诞生之初是一次大战期间为了对付的早期坦克的,但很快就被发现也可用于对付低空飞行的航空器。 随着飞机越飞越高、越飞越快,坦克的防护越来越厚,大口径重机枪到了现代越来越多地被用于平射,如远距离火力压制、步兵集群目标、摧毁军事器材等等。 图为美军早期的高射机枪水冷型M2. 大口径重机枪的优势在于射程够远、威力够大,其射手可以安全的在 …
轻武器科普之QJZ89式重机枪 - 哔哩哔哩
QJZ89式重机枪是一种重量较轻的12.7mm大口径机枪,89式重机枪的设计目标是以平射为主,用以杀伤敌集群目标、压制轻型火力点、毁伤轻型装甲目标,只是赋予其在必要时能充当高射机枪的辅助功能,能对武装直升机等低空目标进行射击。 由于89式12.7mm重机枪重量轻、便于机动,因此可以装备到营、连级,增强这些部队的压制火力。 89式重机枪采用了管退与导气式混合的自动方式,采用这种混合自动方式的目的一方面是为了减小枪身的后坐冲击力,一方面也是为了减轻 …
Type 89 heavy machine gun | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Type 89 heavy machine gun is a heavy machine gun designed in the People's Republic of China. It is a derivative of the earlier Type 85 machine gun and fires the Soviet-designed 12.7×108mm .50 calibre ammunition. The Type 89 is a hybrid gas/recoil-operated, belt-fed, fully automatic weapon chambered for and fires the 12.7×108mm round.
W85 heavy machine gun - Wikipedia
The W85 heavy machine gun or QJC-88 vehicle mounted heavy machine gun is a gas-operated heavy machine gun designed in the People's Republic of China. It fires the Soviet-designed 12.7×108mm round. [3] . The W85 was never accepted into the PLA service in its original configuration, only adopted as a vehicle mounted machine gun as the QJC-88.
2018年10月17日 · 80年代,受国际上流行“中口径机枪消亡论”,以及对弯道超车式发展的非理性狂热;国内决定淘汰压制能力达到600-800米的7.62毫米通机,用5.8毫米通用机枪(88式机枪)和轻量化的12.7毫米机枪(89式机枪)实现火力衔接。 二战后的高速小口径设计,直到现阶段对于常规的自动步枪、班用机枪、没有消声要求的手枪和冲锋枪、乃至于水下枪械都是合适的;但是绝对不适合于通用机枪、狙击步枪、专业消声枪械等武器类型。 在盲目激进的投机心态驱使下,强 …
Type 89 HMG - Modern Firearms
Type 89/ QJZ-89 heavy machine gun uses standard belt feed with belt movement direction being left to right. Barrel is quick-detachable and is fitted with massive muzzle brake. Standard furniture includes pistol grip with rifle-type trigger and a tubular shoulder stock.
Type 89 Machine Gun: One of The Lightest Heavy Machine Gun
It is one of the lightest heavy machine guns in the world, weighing only 26 kilograms (57 pounds) with the gun frame included. This makes it much lighter than most other heavy machine guns, which can weigh over 50 kilograms (110 pounds).
QJZ-89 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The QJZ-89, also known as the Type 89 heavy machine gun is a heavy machine gun designed in the People's Republic of China. It is a derivative of the earlier Type 85 machine gun and fires the Soviet-designed 12.7×108mm .50 calibre ammunition.
QJZ89 - Weaponsystems.net
Chinese 12.7mm QJZ89 heavy machine gun with tripod in low position. The QJZ89 is a heavy machine gun of Chinese origin. It was developed as a lighter and more reliable replacement for the Type 77 and Type 85 heavy machine guns. The QJZ89 is one of the lightest and most portable heavy machine guns.
Indigenous Machine Guns of China: Part Two – Heavy Machine Guns
Just two years after the adoption of the Type 85 HMG, the PLA adopted an entirely new 12.7mm machine gun, which can be defined as a “lightweight heavy machine gun.” Officially type-classified as the QJZ-89 (12.7mm Type 89 heavy machine gun), this remarkable weapon weighs only 26 kilograms complete with its universal tripod.
W89 (核彈頭) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
W89是美國的一款熱核彈頭,設計用於AGM-131 II型空對地導彈和UUM-125海矛(英語:UUM-125 Sea Lance)反潛艇導彈。 1980 年代中期,W89的設計被交予 勞倫斯利佛摩國家實驗室 進行。
NORINCO W-85 (QJC-88) Heavy Machine Gun (HMG) / Vehicle …
2022年5月8日 · The W85 is a Heavy Machine Gun (HMG) design originating out of China and undoubtedly influenced by many decades of Soviet hardware use and doctrine. Chambered in the proven 12.7x108mm Soviet cartridge, the weapon is designed to defeat light-armored elements at-range and can also counter the threat posed by low-flying aircraft such as helicopters.