WASP-12 - Wikipedia
WASP-12 is a magnitude 11 yellow dwarf star located approximately 1347 light-years away [2] in the constellation Auriga. [4] WASP-12 has a mass and radius similar to the Sun and is known …
WASP-12 b - Science@NASA
2025年2月15日 · WASP-12 b is a gas giant exoplanet that orbits a F-type star. Its mass is 1.47 Jupiters, it takes 1.1 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 0.0234 AU from its star. Its …
WASP-12b - 百度百科
这个最新发现的行星是“WASP-12b”,它的质量是木星的1.5倍,但令人惊奇的是,它环绕其主恒星一周却只用1天的时间,它与主恒星之间的距离也仅为地球至太阳距离的四十分之一。 这种“紧 …
WASP-12b - Wikipedia
WASP-12b is a hot Jupiter [6] (a class of extrasolar planets) orbiting the star WASP-12, discovered in April of 2008, by the SuperWASP planetary transit survey. [7] [1] The planet …
WASP-12 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
wasp-12是一顆距離約600光年,位於御夫座,視星等 11等的黃矮星 [1] ,它的質量和半徑都予太陽相似。
WASP-12 | NASA Exoplanet Archive - California Institute of …
Investigating giant planet migration history via improved eccentricity and mass determination for 231 transiting planets. Friends of Hot Jupiters. II. No Correspondence between Hot-jupiter …
WASP-12b 3D Model - Science@NASA
2024年10月25日 · The doomed planet WASP-12b is a hot Jupiter that orbits so close to its parent star, it's being torn apart. It takes this alien world only 1.1 days to completely circle its sun. The …
WASP-12 b: An Egg-shaped Exoplanet - Science@NASA
2016年7月17日 · Almost two times the size of our Jupiter, WASP-12b is a sizzling gas giant whose temperature is approximately 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit (2,210 degrees Celsius). …
WASP-12b - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
富含碳的高溫系外行星wasp-12b及其母恆星(該圖繪製時,wasp-12b的反照率等表面狀況不明)。 WASP-12b和其母恆星WASP-12,背景為 紅外線光譜 觀測結果,可從觀測結果指出各種 …
WASP-12b: The First Carbon-Rich Exoplanet
The transiting exoplanet WASP-12b is located some 870 light-years from Earth. This extremely irradiated planet orbits its Sun-like, G0 parent star in just over 26 hours, resulting in a dayside …