Lot Size "WB - Weekly Lot Size" - SAP Community
2010年8月5日 · SPRO > Production > MRP > Planning > Lot-Size Calculation > Check Lot-Sizing Procedure. ...here you can check "Scheduling" field (V439A-TERBV) of lot size "WB". And you can check also field V439A-LGTER. F1 help for the field:
Solved: MRP Lot Size Difference - SAP Community
2008年4月18日 · The major differences are in Lot size procedure and Lot size indiactor. Have a look at the options for these 2 fields and compare. For example EX has a static lot size procedure but WB has Period lot-size procedure. Regards Ram
SAP MRP批量程序、批量大小详解 - CSDN博客
2023年12月30日 · 如WB就是表示周汇总在该周的第一个工作日(因为系统默认配置空的是指该周的第一个需求日);待到客户测试验证发现顾问说的不对时,再去测试和纠正会影响顾问客户的信任度。
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SAP PP: Lot Sizing Procedures ( EX, FX, HB, TB, WB, MB) - Day 13 - SAP …
2023年7月11日 · Introduction to lot sizes and their role in procurement proposal timings and quantities. Classification into three primary lot sizing procedures: Static, Periodic, and Optimum. Exploration of Static Lot Size types: EX (Lot for Lot Order Quantity), FX (Fixed Order Quantity), and HB (Replenishment to Maximum Stock Level).
Posting Employee's Per Hour (Customized)cost to WB... - SAP …
2015年4月16日 · In the user exit, you'd need to simulate or calculate the hourly rate as calculated in the PCR's X010, X013 in payroll schema X000-> sub schema XT00. In other words, the w/t's for basic pay, & relevant allowances in IT 8 need to be added to a basis w/t. This will provide the hourly rate for hourly paid employees;
跟着团子学SAP PS-前台篇-WBS元素介绍及相关操作 CJ20N_sap …
2022年5月24日 · WBS中比较核心的设定是它的属性,在系统中WBS具有三种属性:分别是(1)科目分配元素(2)开票元素(3)计划元素。 这些属性会决定着WBS在系统中允许会禁止相应的一些操作: 首先最为核心的是科目分配元素:科目分配元素主要有两点功能:(1)代表这这个WBS是个真实的成本对象,上面可以承载真实的成本(这些成本来源可以是财务直接过账,也可以是来源于底层活动的报工、材料投料至WBS等等)(2) 可以作为SAP其他对象的科目分配 …
闲人闲谈PS之二十二——WBS结算规则批量维护函数_wbs结算规则 …
2021年11月3日 · 对于结算型WBS而言,结算规则的维护是一个很常规的业务操作,财务部门人员在建项目或期末结账的时候,确定结算规则并维护。 结算规则的简单理解——把WBS比作一个篮子,过程中收集了各种各样成本和费用比作篮子里的物品,现在这个篮子的使命结束了,要把篮子里的东西拿出来装进指定的箱子。 这里,指定的箱子,就是结算规则。 闲人请教了一位工程财务大拿,他的例子更简单易懂——WBS就是个瓢,瓢里水满了,要倒入财务的大缸里面。 结算 …
Solved: No Authorization for Funds center to settle the WB... - SAP ...
2008年1月21日 · Solved: Hi Sapiens, There are few WBS elements to be settle which are capitalised. I am unable to settle the same. When I do the CJ88, the system gives the error.
Solved: CCM - WB2R_SC - Partial Settlement - SAP Community
In standard SAP CCM behavior, tax calculation is typically not required for delta accrual postings, unless you're operating in a specific country with mandatory tax requirements (e.g., I believe Italy is one of them).