my wbc,rbc, hgb, hct, & absolute lymphocytes are low. what
2021年10月27日 · If white blood cell count is low, the absolute numbers of neutrophil, lymphocyte or monocyte will be low if the differential is normal. If you have an underlying anemia, viral infection is a common cause of low white cell count. If both low WBC and RBC are new, bone marrow disease is strongly suspected.
What is the cause of protein, rbc and wbc found in the urine?
2015年10月15日 · My 4 year olds urine analysis says, no protein,glucose, blood,rbc,wbc or anything but a ph of 8 and sp gravity of 1.005.he is vegeterian, on milk. Urine pH 5, sp gravity 1.020,protein negative, RBC WBC and epethlial cell occasional,blood trace,uric acid crystAl few,bacteria occasional, what to do
Causes for high wbc, rbc, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and neutrophils?
2020年6月18日 · Low wbc,low rbc,low igm,low neutrophil,low monocyte,hematocrit and hemoglobin levels are within range,mcv high,an ocassional myocelyte. Pt/ptt unknow? Worried. Infused with remicade (infliximab) for yrs. Bloodwork's been fine till now: sed rate high (130), WBC & platelets h. Rbc, hemoglobin and hematocrit low.
what could cause high count of wbc & rbc in urine with no …
2022年12月16日 · My urine result: yellow hazy, trace in protein, high 5- WBC, 2-RBC, epithelial-moderate, mucus-moderate and bacteria-few. is this normal? Got my labs back today and my findings are somewhat abnormal and was wondering if there's a reason to be alarmed. here are the reults Epithelial cells-many Bacteria-2+ mucus 2+ urine wbc 10-20 urine rbc 5-10 ...
what is the normal ratio of rbc in wbc? - HealthTap
2019年11月11日 · Is 0-2 result in RBC and WBC normal? Wbc is 3.1 RBC is in normal range, what would cause this? Could you please tell me if my results are normal or not? wbc 5.75, rbc 3.91, plt 221, HB 11.9 Is mds irreversible? Can it stop without progress? Can it remain low risk? Problem is in RBC production. All others like WBC paltelet normal. Hb 10.6
High wbc rbc blood Leukocyte Esterase no bacteria
urine ph 5, sp gravity 1.020,protein negative, rbc wbc and epethlial cell occasional,blood trace,uric acid crystal few,bacteria occasional, what to do Dr. Ed Friedlander answered 44 years experience Pathology
What does it mean when i have low wbc, rbc, neutrophils, …
2023年2月8日 · RBC 4.53, MCHC 345g/l Bruising easily, dry itchy skin, testicular abnormality waiting on referral. ? Went into the doctor for bruising all over the legs, and some other things (fatigue, head aches, genuinely unwell). I got my labs back, and my WBC was 5.62, RBC was at 4.42, lymphocytes 43.3, neutrophils 47.7. (Bruises have worsened/got more since)?
What does a high red and white blood cell count mean
Elevated indirect bilirubin, normal direct bilirubin, low red blood cell count, normal white blood cell count, iron overload (83), enlarged spleen?
causes of low rbc and wbc - HealthTap
Low rbc 4.440 x10(6)/mcl + wbc 4.20 x10(3)/mcl , high mcv 95.4 fl + mch 32.2 pg , what does this mean and what could be the cause? A doctor has provided 1 answer A member asked:
low red and white blood cell count causes - HealthTap
When both RBC and: Wbcs are affected several topics come to mind. ... My red blood cell count is 3.6 and ...