nextgen™ Pole Terminal WBT- 0708 (Internat. Patents and Design Patents EP 1 470 620, Pat. pend.102011007940) Pole terminal for cabinet wall mounting, plug - / solderversion 1. …
WBT-0708Ag - WBT-USA
The WBT-0708Ag is an economy version of the WBT-0710 series. Fully insulated design made from a hybrid of functional materials. The tightening nut acts as a vibration damper against …
WBT-0710-Ag-B Nextgen Signature Binding Post - (Black)
The new WBT-0708 nextgen™ pole terminal preserve valuable resources of non-ferrous metals and conduct signals and sounds – not however, rather exactly for this reason - better than any …
WBT Binding posts - Acoustic-Dimension
WBT binding posts are a true five-way design and will accept 6mm (1/4") or 8mm (5/16") spades, 4mm bananas, bare wire or wire prepared with a WBT crimp sleeve (up to 6mm [10 AWG]). …
WBT Connector 0708-Ag Series NextGen Binding Post - Parts …
WBT 0708-Ag NextGen Binding Post. WBT nextgen Pole Terminals are designed to control mechanical and electrical vibrations to keep your sound as pure as possible. They accept …
WBT-0708 - WBT | 完実電気株式会社 | KANJITSU DENKI CO.,LTD
締め付けナット部は緩みやコンタクト面同士で発生する不要共振を排除するエラストマー樹脂製ダンパーを採用し、手締めによる締め付けトルクのみで確実、且つ精密感の高いコンタクト …
WBT-0708 Cu nextgen Pole Terminal, Pure Copper
A brand new product from WBT - the pole terminals WBT-0708 are the dignified offshoots of their big sisters WBT-0710. Only by dropping the gold plated decorative covering rings and …
WBT-0708 喇叭端子 – MY-HiEND
2011年9月2日 · 收到德國WBT原廠直接寄來的包裹,裡面是最新發表nextgen系列的WBT-0708喇叭端子,其實我是WBT愛用者應該快10年了,體會非常深,好的端子可是會讓你上天堂的!
nextgen ™ Pole Termin al WBT -0708 (EP 1 470 620, Pat. pend.102011007940) Pole terminal for cabinet wall mounting, plug - / solderversion 1. Mechanics One piece, low tolerance contact …
WBT-0708Cu スピーカーターミナル 4個(赤x2、白x2) - oyaide.com
締め付けナット部は緩みやコンタクト面同士で発生する不要共振を排除するエラストマー樹脂製ダンパーを採用し、手締めによる締め付けトルクのみで確実、且つ精密感の高いコンタクト …