WBT Germany: Home
WBT is the first manufacturer of connectors replacing electroplating by the much more precise PVD technology. The innovative nanotechnology replaces the obsolate electroplating …
Designed after the WBT-0645 angled plug, the WBT-0610Ag banana plug enhances overall performance by utilizing pure silver for the signal connection. It is fully insulated using …
Shop for WBT High Performance Connectors | The Cable Company
WBT is a manufacturer of high-performance connectors, for the transmission of audio signals, from Germany. They are a pioneer of this category, and hold many patents relating to the …
WBT Germany: Home
Seit vielen Jahren schätzen Liebhaber bester Klangqualität die nextgen™ Steckverbinder von WBT. Mit einem filigranen Signalleiter aus reinem Kupfer oder Feinsilber in Kombination mit …
With a characteristic impedance of 75 ohms, the WBT-0110 makes the perfect match for digital audio and video. The maximum size conductor that can be used is 1.5mm² / 16-17 AWG. …
WBT - 0210Ag / 0210Ag Ms(metal nut) The highest quality socket available on the market, with passivated pure fine silver contacts for both positive and negative connections. The positive …
The RCA plug WBT-0152 is a product of the nextgen™ series of WBT‘s RCA type connectors. The model WBT-0152 offers a perfect combination of a robust, stable plug body and a filigree …
WBT-0110 Ag RCA Connector (Single) - thecableco.com
With a characteristic impedance of 75 ohms, the WBT-0110 makes the perfect match for digital audio and video. The maximum size conductor that can be used is 1.5mm² / 16-17 AWG. …
WBT-0610 Ag Banana Connector - thecableco.com
Designed as the successor to the WBT-0645 angled plug, the WBT-0610Ag banana plug enhances overall performance by utilizing pure silver for the signal connection. A member of …
【醉音影音生活】德國 WBT-0705 Ag (純銀) 原廠盒裝 2紅2白 喇叭端子座.台灣公司貨 | Yahoo奇摩拍賣
2015年10月23日 · 【醉音影音生活】德國 wbt-0705 ag (純銀) 原廠盒裝 2紅2白 喇叭端子座.台灣公司貨 | 台灣代理商公司貨,全新原廠保固,隨附發票。 價格: $11,400 元 首頁