1938 FIFA World Cup - Wikipedia
The 1938 FIFA World Cup was the 3rd edition of the World Cup, the quadrennial international football championship for senior men's national teams. It was held in France from 4 to 19 June 1938. Italy defended its title in the final, beating Hungary 4–2.
1938年國際足協世界盃 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1938年國際足協世界盃 於1938年6月4日至19日在 法国 举行。 意大利王國 在决赛中以4–2的比分击败 匈牙利王國,蝉联了 世界盃 冠军。 国际足联 将主办国定为法国的决定激怒了 南美洲 的国家,因为他们认为世界杯应该在欧美大陆之间轮流举行。 最后,作为抗议, 乌拉圭 和 阿根廷 都没有参加本届比赛。 西班牙 也因國內爆發 內戰,而無法組隊參加。 本届比赛中,首次规定上届冠军及主辦國无需参加预选赛,而直接与其他14个国家一起进入决赛阶段。 奥地利 通过了预选,但 …
1938 Soccer World Cup Scores
All the results of the games played in the 1938 World Cup with goals scored, extratime and penalties information.
1938 FIFA World Cup, France Team, Player, Match, & Venues
2025年1月13日 · The 1938 FIFA World Cup was held in France between 4 June 1938 to 19 July 1938. France hosted the tournament for the first time. Italy retained the championship in 1938. Italy beat Republic of Hungary 4-2 in the final match.
World Cup History: 1938 - ESPN
2014年4月30日 · Piola and Gino Colaussi scored two each as the Hungarians were swept away by the superior tactical nous of Italian coach Vittorio Pozzo. Pozzo had moulded two largely different teams and won the...
Football World Cup 1938 in France - Football history
World Cup 1938. T he third World Cup in football took place in France 4-19 June. The fact that two World Cups in a row were held in Europe was met with anger in South America that had expected the tournament to be played in their continent every second time.
World Cup 1938 - All winners - Transfermarkt
This is an overview of all title holders of the competition World Cup 1938 in chronological order. It also shows record winners and champion managers.
World Cup 1938 France - worldfootball.net
World Cup 1938 France: Latest news, Fixtures & Results, Tables, Teams, Top Scorer. The League at a glance...
Planet World Cup - 1938 - Overview
Brazil beat Poland 6-5 when Leonidas and Willimowski scored four goals each for their countries. Cuba surprised many by beating Romania after a replay, and Germany were also knocked out after a replay when they lost to Switzerland.
FIFA World Cup 1938: Italy defend title before WWII breaks out - Al Jazeera
2022年10月17日 · The 1938 WC was held under the shadow of Spanish civil war, annexation of Austria by Nazi Germany, rebellious actions of Mussolini’s Italy and ongoing boycott of Uruguay.