WCPT Congress 2019 gallery - World Physiotherapy
WCPT Congress 2019 gallery The official photographer for the WCPT Congress 2019 was Alex Teuscher. Additional photographs were taken by volunteers Jasmin Winter and Michele Kroger.
World Physiotherapy
World Physiotherapy is the global hub for information and resources about COVID-19 for physiotherapists. This year's focus is on low back pain. We measure and report on our impact on the global physiotherapy profession. We are the sole international voice for physiotherapy, representing more than 600,000 physiotherapists worldwide.
World Physiotherapy - Wikipedia
World Physiotherapy is the operating name of World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT). [2] [3] World Physiotherapy is committed to furthering the physiotherapy profession and improving global health. It believes every individual is entitled to the highest possible standard of culturally appropriate healthcare, delivered in an atmosphere ...
World Physiotherapy - Facebook
World Physiotherapy. 96,997 likes · 328 talking about this. World Physiotherapy: the sole international voice for physiotherapy, through 129 member...
2024年8月31日 · The NSP shares in the principles of the WCPT that every individual is entitled to the highest possible standard of culturally appropriate health care provided in an atmosphere of trust and respect for human dignity and determined …
wcpt是 who 下属的康复治疗领域中国际唯一的物理治疗权威组织,目前已拥有112个正式成员国(地区),覆盖全世界35万物理治疗师,对推动和引领全球康复领域中物理治疗的发展起着至关重要的作用。wcpt致力于发展物理治疗专业及通过物理治疗提高世界人民的 ...
重磅!中国物理治疗学会正式加入世界物理治疗联盟(WPT)!|医学 …
2024年12月19日 · 世界物理治疗联盟(WPT),曾用名世界物理治疗联盟 World Confederation for Physical Therapy, WCPT),该组织 是WHO下属的康复治疗领域中国际唯一的物理治疗权威组织,是全球物理治疗行业的代表性机构,目前拥有125个国家和地区的会员组织,60多万名物理治 …
国内有哪些学校的康复治疗学通过了世界认证? - 知乎
2016年11月29日 · 至此,我校康复治疗学(物理治疗方向、作业治疗方向)专业分别通过了世界物理治疗师联盟(wcpt)和世界作业治疗师联盟(wfot)国际教育标准认证;附属康复医院通过国际康复质量认证委员会(carf)认证, 我校成为国内唯一一家实现康复医疗领域教学临床领域 ...
WCPT 820 - Chicago's Progressive Talk | Chicago IL - Facebook
WCPT 820 - Chicago's Progressive Talk, Chicago, Illinois. 13,965 likes · 13,315 talking about this. Where Facts Matter -- Chews Views 6-8AM • Joan Esposito 2-5PM • Patti Vasquez 5-7PM. Find us...