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西数固态黑盘 SN7100 1TB/2TB 首测 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
WD_BLACK SN7100 采用的是 Sandisk 颗粒,其实是由西部数据和恺侠联合研发、后者负责生产的最新一代 BiCS8 TLC 3D NAND 闪存,这种闪存由 218 个存储层堆叠而成,和恺侠上一代的型号相比,存储密度提升了 50%、读取时延降低了 10%、写入性能提升了 20%、界面速度提升了 80 ...
Learn about Gaming Mode on Western Digital Dashboard.*END Western Digital Dashboard is software that checks on Western Digital drives in Windows. Tools for checking health, firmware versions and updates are included. WD is focused on providing...
Western Digital - High-Capacity HDDs for PCs, NAS, Gaming, Data …
Discover a full portfolio of HDDs and platforms. We’ve been redefining storage with game-changing technologies for 50-plus years—and we’re just getting started. Our industry-leading HDDs serve as the backbone and power behind today’s data centers. Learn how our continuous innovations help you keep pace with the exponential growth of data creation.
WD_BLACK | 西部数据产品支持 - Western Digital
WD_BLACK SN7100 NVMe SSD 2TB 评测 - 存储 - Chiphell - 分享 …
2024年12月23日 · WD_BLACK SN7100 NVMe SSD 2TB 评测,这次来到评测室的又是我们的老朋友,西部数据.今天带来的是WD_BLACK系列的最新型号SN7100,以满足更多游戏玩家对高性能存储的需求. WD_BLACK SN7100采用经典稳定的PCIe 4.0 x4界面,在容量上推出了500/1TB/2TB版本可供 ...,存储,评测 ,Chiphell - 分享与交流用户体验.
软件和固件下载 | WD 支持 - Western Digital
Find the right software for your WD, Western Digital, SanDisk, or WD_BLACK device. Download and access additional features on your personal storage device.
WD Blue SN580 NVMe SSD - WD Support
Warranty Periods for Western Digitial WD brand of products.*END The product warranty term depends on country where the product was purchased. This term may be longer than shown on packaging. Need more help? Contact Us $ Firmware Download and Updates for Western Digital Internal and External Drives. Steps to obtain the latest firmware updates ...
西部数据新推出的WD Blue SN5000 NVMe SSD 值得买吗? - 知乎
西部数据WD Blue SN5000 NVMe SSD和SN580一样均采用TLC闪存颗粒和自研主控,辅以Dram-less,凭借NVMe及PCIE4.0×4,支持HMB机制,顺序读取速度可达5150MB/s,顺序写入速度可达4900MB/s,随时读/写性能可达600K/750K IOPS,耐用度也出色。
WD_BLACK家族新势力,西部数据WD_BLACK SN7100 1TB评测
2025年1月21日 · 西部数据 WD_BLACK SN7100 NVMe SSD 1TB 硬盘采用了最新自研主控Polaris 3 A101-000171-A1+ 新一代218层3D TLC闪存(BiCS 8)方案,Polaris 3 A101-000171-A1主控为DRAM-less 无缓设计,支持 PCIe Gen4 x4、NVMe 2.0,处理器采用多核心架构 TSMC 16nm 制程的 ARM Cortex-R处理器。