Brookfield Place: Best NYC Destination for Shopping & Dining
Welcome to Brookfield Place New York, NYC's best destination for shopping, dining, cultural events and art exhibits in downtown Manhattan.
Brookfield Place (New York City) - Wikipedia
Brookfield Place (previously named and still commonly referred to as the World Financial Center) is a shopping center and office building complex in the New York City borough of Manhattan. It is located in the Battery Park City neighborhood, across West Street from the World Trade Center, and overlooks the Hudson River.
200 Vesey Street - Wikipedia
200 Vesey Street, formerly known as Three World Financial Center and also known as the American Express Tower, is one of four towers that comprise the Brookfield Place complex in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan in New York City. Rising 51 floors and 739 feet (225 m), it is situated between the Hudson River and the World Trade Center.
布魯克菲爾德廣場 (紐約) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
布魯克菲爾德廣場 (英語: Brookfield Place),原稱 世界金融中心 (World Financial Center,簡稱 WFC),是位於 美國 紐約 曼哈頓下城 的 砲台公園城 內的商用建築群,東側緊鄰 世界貿易中心,西側則面向 哈德遜河。 大廈的主要租戶包括 美林集團 及 美國運通 等大型金融機構。 其他租戶包括 道瓊斯公司 旗下的 華爾街日報。 除了美國運通之外,整個區域的物業權由 布魯克菲爾德資產管理 擁有。 建築群由 美國 籍建築師 西萨·佩里 聯同Adamson Associates設 …
225 Liberty Street - Wikipedia
225 Liberty Street, formerly known as Two World Financial Center, is one of four towers that comprise the Brookfield Place complex in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan in New York City. Rising 44 floors and 645 feet (197 m), it is situated between the …
布魯克非廣場 (紐約) - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
布魯克非廣場 (英語: Brookfield Place),原稱 世界金融中心 (World Financial Center,簡稱 WFC),是位於 美國 紐約 曼哈頓下城 的 砲台公園城 內的商用建築群,東側緊鄰 世界貿易中心,西側則面向 哈德遜河。 大廈的主要租戶包括 美林集團 及 美國運通 等大型金融機構。 其他租戶包括 道瓊公司 旗下的 華爾街日報。 除了美國運通之外,整個區域的物業權由 布魯克非資產管理 擁有。 建築群由 美國 籍建築師 西薩·佩里 聯同Adamson Associates設計。 整個項目由 …
Brookfield Place New York City.com : Profile - NYC.com
Brookfield Place, formally known as the World Financial Center, is a complex of office towers, high-end retail, and restaurants located opposite One World Trade Center.
World Financial Center - Your Destination Guide to New York City
Located on the Hudson River across from the former site of the World Trade Center, the World Financial Center today is a face of the Manhattan skyline. The four towers of this crystalline building complex encase such large names in business as …
Brookfield Place at World Financial Center - USA Guided Tours
Located across the street from the One World Trade Center site, Brookfield Place at the World Financial Center New York is a network of offices, restaurants, and businesses. It is home to the headquarters of popular brands like Equinox and American Express.
The World Financial Center - Wired New York
The view on the World Financial Center from the Hudson River, with the World Trade Center gone. From left to right: 3 WFC (piramid roof), 4 WFC (stepped piramid roof), 2 WFC (dome), 1 WFC (cut piramid).