Discussion on Airworthiness Requirement of Widespread Fatigue …
2014年1月1日 · For certain inspection, repair, modification and replacement plan, the purpose of WFD evaluation is to predict the ISP and/or SMP for the WFD sensitive structure. The ISP or SMP can be determined independently, or by divided by WFD (average behavior) .
Guidance for extending an LOV approved under § 25.571, § 26.21, or § 26.23 can be found here. The actions described in this AC are meant to prevent widespread fatigue damage (WFD) in the transport airplane fleet up to the LOV. 2. APPLICABILITY. The regulatory basis for this AC is defined in Appendix 1.
Analysis of Airworthiness Requirements on Amdt.25–132 of …
2011年1月1日 · This article introduces innovatory changes and background to inspections of WFD for transport category aircraft which have resulted in the amendment 25-132 of limit of validity (LOV), also indicates a proactive approach which should …
A risk analysis based methodology for widespread fatigue
2020年5月21日 · The Widespread Fatigue Damage (WFD) phenomenon is recognized by the aviation industry as one of the biggest threats on structural integrity, especially for ageing...
Widespread Fatigue Damage Evaluation for Multiple Elements …
2019年7月3日 · From the cumulative distribution it is possible to determine the WFD AVE, and then the necessary maintenance actions (ISP=N 01 and SMP=N 05, in case the inspection is effective for the structure) - see Fig. 6.
Analysis of Airworthiness Requirements on Amdt.25–132 of …
2011年12月31日 · This article summarizes a series of important actions and their relevant results to preclude widespread fatigue damage (WFD), and then analyzes some unsafe factors existing in present ...
(PDF) Discussion on Airworthiness Requirement of Widespread Fatigue ...
2014年12月31日 · Either the determination of ISP and/or SMP, or WFD (average behavior) should be based on service history, test data, fatigue analyses, damage - tolerance analyses, teardown inspections of high...
机身蒙皮壁板多位置损伤裂纹扩展寿命研究 - 百度学术
广布疲劳损伤(Widespread Fatigue Damage,简称WFD)是Aloha事故揭示出的一种新的结构疲劳破坏形式,是飞机结构持续完整性重大的威胁。 多位置损伤(Multiple Site Damage,简称MSD)是引起结构广布疲劳损伤破坏的重要原因,MSD裂纹的形成、裂纹扩展及剩余强度问题的研究持续受到 ...
基于试验数据的金属机体结构WFD 评定_参考网 - fx361.cc
2020年3月27日 · 根据框结构的可检性,可以确定出检查起始点(ISP)和结构维修点(SMP),从而完成机身框结构的WFD 评定。 在金属机身研制过程中,为研究结构细节设计特性,开展了机身等直段疲劳及损伤容限研发试验。 试验件选取真实飞机机身22 号框位至28 号框位(其中包含机身对接结构)作为试验考核区域,考核区两端各增加3 个半框位用于试验件支持及载荷过渡,试验件及试验支持加载情况。 试验载荷谱依据机身此处对接框位的载荷谱通过等损 …
Boeing Position on WFD Rule • Boeing supports Widespread Fatigue Damage (WFD) rulemaking to mitigate the threat of WFD for commercial airplanes • The FAA has made significant progress in finalizing the rule
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